BM in the 60s c31

Best Mom in the 60s 


31 Plans for a New House

After the meeting ended, the grown-ups quickly got to work.

The older children, familiar with the routine, hurried to help, while the younger ones dashed off, eager to go outside and play in the courtyard.

Qian Shu Lan’s room was filled to the brim with all the things she had brought back, leaving very little space to move around. It was not possible to move the supplies to another room as those spaces were even more cramped.

Qian Shu Lan passed her work permit to Wang Shou Li and watched as he carefully inspected it.

“Fourth son, you’ve acquired this job through considerable effort. Treasure it dearly. Remember not to engage in conflicts easily, but don’t be timid either. If there’s anything you can’t resolve, come back and discuss it with me. I can offer some advice.” 

Wang Shou Li nodded earnestly, gratitude shining in his eyes as he looked at his mother. “Thanks, Ma.”

Satisfied with his response, Qian Shu Lan took out five yuan and a handful of grain vouchers from her pocket and gave them to him.

“You need to report to the county town in three days. I’ve arranged a place for you to stay, all cleaned up and ready. Just go straight there. Here’s five yuan and twenty catties of grain vouchers – you can eat at the cafeteria,” she instructed, emphasizing, “Your brother is working in the countryside with the water conservancy bureau, digging wells. He might be leaving soon, so please keep an eye on Little Butterfly (Xiao-Die) for him. She’s just a little doll and I’m worried she might become lonely and unsociable.”

In the end, Wang Shou Zhi couldn’t decide whether to take the child to the countryside or not. It seems he was determined to live in the city, and Qian Shu Lan respected his choice.

Wang Shou Li bobbed his head in agreement, his cheeks flushing slightly with embarrassment as he mumbled, “Thanks, Ma, you’re too kind.”

Qian Shu Lan couldn’t help but roll her eyes inwardly, though her expression remained fond. “Well, if you see it that way, then I guess my efforts aren’t entirely wasted.”

She made her way to the wall, stooping to untie a sack and retrieve a jar.

Approaching the warm brick bed, she handed it to Wang Shou Li, sighing, “Got this from a friend. They say only the posh city folk indulge in this stuff, claiming it’s a health tonic. At my age, what more do I need? So, I’ll give it to Little Peach (Xiao-Tao) to help her out. That child is as delicate as a porcelain doll.” Qian Shu Lan wasn’t lying; it was indeed a jar of malted milk powder gifted by Jiang Yu Ying.

Following the unwritten rule of gift-giving, the old lady graciously accepted it, planning to return the favor with something nice next time she ventured into town. However, despite taking the jar, she had no intention of keeping it for herself since she wasn’t one for sweet treats. Hence, she decided to pass on the malted milk powder to the most fragile child in the household.

Little Peach had been battling health issues since birth, often struggling to breathe after a short stroll. She was even more delicate than the heart patients Qian Shu Lan had encountered in the past. The old lady couldn’t help but feel a twinge of worry. Would Wang Shou Li be able to cope if something happened to the child he adored so much?

Pah! Qian Shu Lan shook her head, feeling as if she was being led astray by Wang Shou Zhi’s antics. Especially when she recalled the bizarre dreams of Little Five’s previous life, she couldn’t help but think that everyone around her was a candidate for the loony bin. She chuckled at her own absurd thoughts.

However, treating her to some good food and ensuring the young girl had a hearty meal might just be the key to nursing her back to health. Although Qian Shu Lan realized that it was more about soothing her own worries. Yet, amidst these challenges, could she do more?

Upon hearing his mother’s offer, Wang Shou Li declined repeatedly. His mom gave him a temporary job already felt like a blessing, and judging by the packaging, he could tell it wasn’t cheap. How could he possibly ask for something so valuable again?

Even though he loved his girl dearly, there was no reason to take food from his mother’s mouth.

However, Qian Shu Lan persisted, pressing the item into his hands. “Take it, it’s yours. This is a rare find. If you ever wish to provide for Little Peach in the future, you must learn to rely on yourself.”

Moved by his mother’s insistence, Wang Shou Li finally accepted the gift, feeling a surge of gratitude towards her. It dawned on him that she also cared for Little Peach. Regretting his earlier misconceptions, he mumbled, “Thank you, Ma.”

They exchanged a few more words, mostly revolving around Little Five’s affairs.

Qian Shu Lan had been transparent with Wang Shou Li, except for the incident where Li Cai Ying betrayed Little Five.

Leaving the house, Wang Shou Li clutched the can of milk powder to his chest, hastening back to his room to avoid any potential trouble.

Although he felt a twinge of guilt, Wang Shou Li knew his mother was right. With limited resources, dividing it equally would leave little for Little Peach.

After dinner, Qian Shu Lan began distributing the items she had bought from the department store. This was a way for her to assert her authority as the matriarch and indirectly show her longing for them, despite being in the city. She made it clear that as long as they obeyed her, they would have a good life.

This time, everyone received something. Qian Shu Lan started by giving each child a handful of fruit candies, treating them all equally. Except for Sun Da Qin, who made a face, everyone else was quite satisfied.

Next, she praised Li Chun Hua for her contributions over the past few years, expressing her satisfaction with her. As a special gift, she gave her five zhangs of fabric to make herself a new dress. This left Li Chun Hua pleasantly surprised, almost thinking she had misheard.

  • (Zhang 丈: A traditional Chinese unit of length, approximately equal to 3.33 meters.)

After that, Qian Shu Lan praised Zhou Xue Mei for her contributions. Most of the household chores were done by Li Chun Hua and Zhou Xue Mei. Despite only doing her share, Zhou Xue Mei was also hardworking. As a result, Qian Shu Lan gave her seven zhangs of fabric to make herself a new garment.

The old lady’s words left everyone utterly flabbergasted, all wearing expressions akin to seeing a ghost.

Clearing her throat, she began, “Ah, after my visit to the city, I have realized something about the daughters-in-law in our household. Chun Hua and Xue Mei have truly impressed me. Chun Hua’s diligence and competence are commendable, while Xue Mei, despite her temper, shines with her honesty. Both of them are outstanding daughters-in-law of our esteemed Wang family.”

Her heartfelt words stirred such deep emotions, and even the usually meek Li Chun Hua couldn’t help but be moved to tears and sniffle.

As for Zhou Xue Mei, her initial surprise overshadowed any joy she might have felt. Anxiety gripped her heart as she wondered if her mother-in-law had encountered some distress during her time in the city, perhaps even losing her sanity. Or was the hit to her head too hard? Urgently, she nudged her man beside her with her foot.

Wang Shou Li, cradling little Little Peach in his arms, was careful to keep her quiet. The child was too young to risk any fussing that might anger his mother. He allowed her to sit on his lap, enfolding her in a protective embrace.

Little Peach, happily unwrapping a piece of candy she had just received, felt a light push on her leg and turned around.

Noticing her mother’s playful wink at her father, the little ten year old girl innocently asked in her childish voice, “Mummy, why are you winking like that? Did a bug fly into your eye?”

Sun Da Qin, who had been struggling to contain her anger, could no longer hold back upon hearing Little Peach’s innocent question.

Turning to Zhou Xue Mei with a sharp edge to her voice, she sarcastically remarked, “Just giving birth to a useless girl, what contribution is she worth to shine as a fart?”

Before Qian Shu Lan could even utter a word, Wang Shou Li, with evident annoyance, abruptly cut in, “Sister-in-law, mind your manners. Why are you so concerned about Snow Plum? There’s no need for your constant chatter. Let me make it clear today; even if I decide to find a husband for my Little Peach, I won’t trouble my nephews to break pots and tiles for me!”

Sun Da Qin, feeling disrespected by her fourth brother, was on the verge of a heated response, but her husband swiftly restrained her with a stern gaze. “Shut your mouth!”

The fact that his brother was sonless was already a sensitive issue; the audacious woman was only adding salt to the wound. She seemed to have a talent for provocation. Why did she always seek to stir up trouble?

Initially, Sun Da Qin was already displeased by her mother-in-law favoring the other daughters-in-law who had not given birth to sons, neglecting her in the process. Unable to confront her mother-in-law directly, she seized the chance to unsettle Zhou Xue Mei.

However, she did not anticipate her own husband publicly rebuking her in front of the gathered crowd. For a moment, she forgot her usual fear of him as her man.

Flushed with anger, she slid off her chair onto the floor, venting her frustration with a flurry of slaps to her legs. “Heaven above, I have given the Wang family three sons. I deserve at least some token of appreciation, if not a treat! Who would have imagined I would receive nothing at all? This favoritism has gone too far…” 

Though she dared not overtly blame the old lady, the implication behind her words was palpable to all.

Qian Shu Lan held a deeper disdain for Sun Da Qin compared to Li Cai Ying. While Li Cai Ying may have been a bad woman, she had not directly harmed her grandmother. But Sun Da Qin was a different story.

Due to Sun Da Qin’s previous offenses against her grandmother, Qian Shu Lan found it impossible to show any kindness towards her. Despite her typically gentle behavior towards others, she chose to treat Sun Da Qin coldly.

Just as Wang Shou Ren was on the verge of losing her temper and striking her, Qian Shu Lan quickly intervened, saying, “Eldest, stop this immediately. Confine her to her room. She shall go without food tomorrow!”

Qian Shu Lan detested any form of violence against women. It served as a painful reminder of her grandmother’s suffering, and she adamantly refused to allow such actions to take place.

Upon hearing his mother’s order, Wang Shou Ren immediately loosened his clenched fist and bent down to pick up Sun Da Qin, who was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.

Caught off guard by the sudden action, Sun Da Qin quickly regained her composure and retaliated by grabbing the man’s hair and pulling it sharply. Wang Shou Ren winced in pain at the unexpected attack.

With a troubled expression, Qian Shu Lan exchanged a glance with Wang Shou Yi and Wang Shou Li.

Wang Shou Yi, slightly confused by his mother’s silent message, hesitated for a moment. However, Wang Shou Li, always perceptive, immediately understood the situation. Without delay, he placed Little Peach in her mother’s arms and hurried to help his brother.

Together, the two brothers firmly escorted Sun Da Qin and confined her to the room in the eastern wing.

Despite Sun Da Qin’s persistent pounding on the door and vocal demands for attention, her cries went unnoticed.

Back in the main hall, Qian Shu Lan resumed the family gathering.

She handed pieces of floral-patterned fabric to Li Chun Hua and Zhou Xue Mei, tailored to each child’s size, leaving the fabric uncut due to uncertainty about the children’s measurements. “If there is any extra material, we can make some vests. They’ll be more comfortable for the upcoming summer season,” she suggested.

Li Chun Hua and Zhou Xue Mei exchanged nods of enthusiasm, their eyes shining with delight.

When Wang Shou Ren returned from the eastern room, he looked somberly at the floral fabric with a heavy heart. Qian Shu Lan knew he must be pondering something deep. After all, his demeanor was drastically different from before.

However, despite this change, Qian Shu Lan saw no change in her son’s filial piety. He trusted her! She smiled warmly and said, “Our boys get new clothes every year, but this year it will be our girls’ turn.”

Wang Shou Ren blushed at her words, feeling ashamed of his earlier thoughts.

With the decision made, the night fell, prompting everyone to retire for the evening.

The next morning, after completing her morning rituals, Qian Shu Lan began her rounds through the household. Despite her memories from a past life, the sight of the courtyard evoked a mix of familiarity and strangeness.

Located in Liu Pass County in the northern regions, their use of kangs and traditional northern-style farmhouses created a unique atmosphere in their surroundings.

In the gentle morning sunlight, three adobe houses stood proudly. The central one, basking in the dawn’s first light, stood as the heart of the homestead – the main hall. To its left, nestled the dwelling of the fourth son’s family, while to its right lay the abode of the third son’s household. A small additional room was built in front of this house, serving as the private chamber of the matriarch, Qian Shu Lan.

The eastern wing was divided into three distinct sections. On the left, the eldest son’s family found their home, while the slightly smaller middle section housed Wang Dan Na alongside Xue Mei. To the right stood a storage room for various household items and furniture.

The foremost dwelling, a more modest structure, featured a central passage. To the left was the kitchen, and to the right, Wang Shou Zhi’s chamber lay dormant since his relocation to the county town, now repurposed as a storage space.

Surrounded by houses on three sides, the western expanse was transformed into a flourishing vegetable garden, vibrant with hues of green.

Beyond the trio of houses, the space between the eastern structure and the main hall served as the designated toilet area.

At the juncture of the eastern structure and the foremost house, the corner was allocated as the pigsty.

Nestled between the vegetable garden and the main house, another corner was designated as the chicken coop.

In the heart of it all was the courtyard – a cozy fifty square meters of solid ground that could pass for a fancy cobblestone path.

During the bustling farming seasons, they would spread out the grains they harvested right there to dry.

Qian Shu Lan surveyed the three adobe houses, noting the thatched roofs in dire need of repair. She remembered the constant upkeep these roofs required – a tiresome task indeed.

Whenever it rained, the water would sneak through the mud walls, turning everything damp and giving the place a musty smell that just wouldn’t quit.

These houses were a far cry from her previous life.

Sharing one roof with multiple families made the space feel cramped, especially with her eldest grandson approaching fifteen – the age when talk of marriage would soon fill the air.

It was time to get him his own place.

With the upcoming national steel production on the horizon, Qian Shu Lan knew she had to secure two plots for housing and construct several buildings without delay.

Once she had the plots sorted, the next step was getting hold of some timber, since they would strip all the trees from the hill when the steel production kicked off. Afterwards, the task of planting trees and preserving the forest for years to come would come, and nobody would be able to build new houses as freely as they could now.

She was determined to act swiftly. This, she believed, was true foresight – always staying a step ahead.

Even though her nephew was part of the family, she couldn’t just show up at the brigade captain’s place empty-handed.

After the whole family had finished washing up, Qian Shu Lan finally decided to shake things up: from now on, everyone had to pitch in with the household tasks. From feeding the pigs to raising the chickens, cooking to cleaning, each task was now a group effort. And as for the dirty laundry? Well, everyone was responsible for their own mess.

Still smarting from her husband’s scolding the night before, Sun Da Qin didn’t dare challenge her mother-in-law’s new regime. With her husband’s silence speaking volumes, she reluctantly joined in the domestic shuffle.

With Sun Da Qin busy working, her youngest son needed to be taken care of. So, it fell to Qian Shu Lan to keep an eye on him while she made a special trip to visit her nephew, armed with a pound of fruit candies and biscuits bought in the city.

Young Zheng Jun’s eyes lit up at the sight of the treats. Eager for a taste, he followed his grandmother, his sweet tooth leading the way.

Qian Shu Lan believed that the little one was still innocent and hadn’t picked up too many bad habits. He was like a sponge, ready to absorb any lesson she could teach him. So, she came up with a little game; no matter how much Zheng Jun pleaded, she wouldn’t give in.

She used the candies as a bargaining tool. She made a deal with the young boy: “Want a candy, huh? Alrighty then! When we arrive at your uncle’s place later, if you can keep an eye on your cousins and ensure they don’t spy on Grandma, then you’ll get your hands on some sweets.”

With the promise of candy, Zheng Jun eagerly agreed, his eyes fixed on the sugary prize in his grandmother’s hand.

Qian Shu Lan rummaged and pulled out two pieces of candy. “Here, have these two to start with. Finish the task, and I’ll throw in four more. But remember, if you don’t complete it, those extra candies will vanish into thin air.”

Accepting the sweets, the little boy assured the old lady, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on my older cousins.”

Qian Shu Lan grinned and nodded. “Grandma has faith in you, Zheng Jun!”

Encouraged by her words, he couldn’t help but stand a little taller, feeling a surge of pride.

 ─── ❖ ──  ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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