BM in the 60s c33

Best Mom in the 60s 


33 Heavenly Warnings

After Wang Shou Ren left, the elderly lady wasted no time in opening the store.

Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine becoming a shopkeeper, let alone one whose peculiar wares were flying off the shelves! Her surprise gifts, priced at ten gold coins, and the even more enticing mystery gifts for twenty, had become the talk of the town – or rather, the multiple worlds connected through the Extreme Reform System. She was receiving five or six orders a day – not bad for a grandma!

Although the System only had 365 executors, they came from a variety of worlds, each with their own unique tastes and desires. It seemed Qian Shu Lan had struck a chord with her curious customers, who not only kept coming back for more but also spread the word like wildfire.

Her small warehouse was fully stocked with alarm clocks and table clocks, ready to be sent off by the System the moment an order came in. In just a few days, without even lifting a finger, she had accumulated a small fortune of four hundred gold coins!

Unlike those pesky pens and ballpoint pens that required tickets, clocks were as easy to obtain as pie. Qian Shu Lan had devised a plan: her fourth son would be her secret supplier. He would gradually purchase them through a third party, pretending they were for someone else, in order to avoid arousing suspicion. She thought it best not to appear as a greedy profiteer, but rather have someone else do the purchasing and just pay them a small commission.

With her newfound wealth, Qian Shu Lan felt an overwhelming sense of generosity. It was time to do something good, something meaningful.

The clock struck half past two in the morning. The night was dark, the sky adorned with twinkling stars. Qian Shu Lan stood in her courtyard, holding a crystal ball the size of an apple in her hands. Inside, tiny pale yellow dots swirled like sesame seeds in water.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, whispered a few mystical words, and opened her hands. The ball dropped, shattering with a clear, almost melodic sound. The dots of light burst forth, rising into the air like fireflies.

As the glow intensified, the dots transformed into talisman papers, each bearing a message. Qian Shu Lan’s eyes snapped open. With a nimble leap, she grabbed a talisman and read its inscription: “Nationwide Steel Production Will Lead to Famine.” A satisfied smile spread across her face.

These talismans were the handiwork of Number 153, a skilled executor whom she had entrusted with their creation, generously rewarding them with two hundred gold coins.

Though these charms were simple in nature, lacking the finesse of an experienced magic user, Qian Shu Lan had Number 153 embed them within the crystal ball. When activated, the talismans would burst forth and dance into the sky, carrying their message on the wind.

Each charm was designed to last for seventy-two hours, spreading its message far and wide.

Despite their magical nature, the influence of the talismans was limited to a hundred-mile radius

Within this invisible sphere, the talismans hovered precisely two meters and two centimeters above the ground, spaced a meter apart, resembling celestial guardians watching over the land.

Aware of her limitations, Qian Shu Lan knew she couldn’t rewrite history or conjure food out of thin air to feed the masses. These floating oracles were her only recourse, her method of warning.

The idea of posting notices across the city streets had crossed her mind, but time was a luxury she couldn’t afford. A night’s work would only yield a few postings, and the risk of getting caught by the authorities was too great.

In this era, the law was unpredictable, unlike the future where guilt had to be proven. If you were found in the wrong place at the wrong time, the burden of proving your innocence fell entirely on you. Otherwise, you were deemed a criminal, plain and simple.

Qian Shu Lan couldn’t bear the thought of innocent bystanders getting caught in the crossfire of her actions. The accusations of inciting panic and undermining the socialist framework were grave, approaching treason.

Her intention wasn’t to involve others in her crusade, but to raise the alarm, to warn the people. And so, she turned to the supernatural, to a realm beyond human comprehension.

After all, who else could make talismans levitate in broad daylight? She believed this would convince the masses that these floating warnings were divine omens, messages from a power beyond human understanding.

She hoped these signs would reach the ears of the troublemakers, the ones who sought to sow chaos, and perhaps, just perhaps, they would spare the ordinary people from their schemes.

Looking at her courtyard, Qian Shu Lan felt a sense of accomplishment. The crystal orb was gone, leaving only the talismans dancing in the air. She retreated to her room, her ears alert for any stirrings in the house. Silence. The day’s labor of inspecting, carrying, and studying had exhausted everyone. They were fast asleep, oblivious to the magic that had unfolded under their roof.

The difference between rural and urban nights was striking. In the countryside, darkness ruled without the presence of the moon. But the city streets were illuminated, even in the early hours of the morning. The night workers, those who labored while the world slept, were the first to witness the peculiar spectacle. Soon, whispers of floating talismans spread like wildfire throughout the county.

Secretary Pan and County Chief Guo were awakened from their slumber, the news of the floating talismans reaching their ears like an urgent summons. An emergency meeting was convened, the wheels of bureaucracy turning in the face of the unknown.

Within minutes of the alarm being raised, the officials of Liu Pass County gathered in the administrative building, their faces filled with concern and confusion. Tension filled the air as they grappled with the inexplicable phenomenon of the floating talismans.

Secretary Pan addressed the gathering firmly, “Comrades, we must remain vigilant. There are those who seek to sow discord and spread falsehoods among us. We cannot allow ourselves to fall prey to the deceitful tactics of the enemy.”

He dismissed the rumors of nationwide steel production as baseless, assuring everyone that no such directive had been issued by higher authorities. As the county party secretary, he would certainly be privy to such information.

Yet, this absurd rumor had somehow taken hold, undoubtedly the work of those with malicious intent.

County Chief Guo, however, held a different perspective. His wife, a devout believer in the supernatural, had always sought divine protection for him during his military campaigns. While he couldn’t confirm the effectiveness of her prayers and amulets, he had miraculously emerged unscathed from countless perilous situations. Thus, when it came to matters of spirits and deities, he leaned towards belief rather than skepticism.

Turning to Secretary Pan, he posed a question that hung heavy in the air, “How do you think the enemy managed to suspend those talismans in mid-air?”

The question left Secretary Pan stumped. Initially, upon discovering the floating talisman with its cryptic seven-character inscription, he had suspected foul play. However, as he delved deeper into the matter, a sense of unease crept over him.

How were these talismans defying gravity, hovering perfectly aligned without any visible support? This was beyond human capability, leaving everyone present bewildered and speechless.

Despite the nation’s efforts to eradicate superstitious beliefs, traces of old convictions still remained. Those who had believed before continued to do so, albeit discreetly. Now, faced with this inexplicable event, their beliefs were not only validated but amplified, seen as a divine omen.

With a grave expression, Secretary Pan emphasized, “We must approach this situation with the utmost seriousness. Our immediate priority is not to speculate on how it happened, but to swiftly remove these talismans. Failure to do so could incite widespread panic and lead to a serious crisis.”

His words resonated even with County Chief Guo, who often found himself at odds with the Secretary. Regardless of their origin, these talismans posed a potential threat and could not be ignored.

He promptly issued an order, “Director Liu, Minister Chen, mobilize your forces from the Public Security and Armed Forces Bureaus to retrieve these talismans. Ensure this operation does not disrupt public morale. If necessary, attribute these objects to an enemy conspiracy.”

## The Aftermath and the Quest for Immortality

Director Liu and Minister Chen exchanged a knowing glance, silently agreeing with each other. The meeting ended, leaving behind a lingering uneasiness and a city buzzing with speculation.

The incident with the talismans had become the talk of the town, spreading rapidly through the streets and alleyways of Liu Pass County. Qian Shu Lan, observing the ripple effect of her actions, felt a mix of fear and relief.

She wasn’t sure if her attempt to warn the people would be successful, but it eased her conscience. The knowledge of the impending famine weighed heavily on her, a terrible secret she couldn’t share with anyone.

Meanwhile, the county was bustling with activity. In the past few days, discussions about this matter had been circulating throughout Liu Pass County, including Wang’s Village. Qian Ming Hua led a team to collect talisman papers from all over.

The sight of these floating papers unsettled many, reigniting old beliefs. Those who still believed in the supernatural began burning paper offerings at night, seeking blessings from their ancestors in these uncertain times.

Most people remained skeptical, observing the situation cautiously, waiting to see if the rumored mass steel production policy would actually happen.

Qian Shu Lan welcomed this development, but she didn’t let it distract her from her entrepreneurial pursuits. Sales of her surprise and mystery gifts continued to rise, and her stash of gold coins grew steadily.

Initially, she worried that their purchases might deplete the food supply in Number 153’s world. However, her concerns were met with indifference.

【We cultivators grow grains that sustain us for decades.】 153 explained nonchalantly. They went on to describe how a single spell could cultivate the land, plant rice seedlings, and harvest the mature crop. Threshing, drying, bagging, and even creating space could all be done effortlessly through magic.

Qian Shu Lan’s eyes widened with excitement as she listened to this revelation. Her desire to become immortal, to surpass the limitations of her mortal body, grew even stronger.

However, her attempts to activate the crystal ball that collects spiritual energy remained unsuccessful. Following 153’s instructions, she experimented with various plants, believing that older ones possessed more spiritual energy.

She ventured to the outskirts of Liu Pass County, in search of the mystical energies said to emanate from an ancient wishing tree. Yet, the orb remained unresponsive, keeping its secrets locked away.

Undeterred, she turned her attention to the animal kingdom, interacting with creatures big and small – cattle, horses, pigs, poultry, and even rabbits. But each encounter left her empty-handed.

Disappointment started to eat away at Qian Shu Lan. Was this world truly lacking spiritual essence, even with all its hustle and bustle?

But Number 153 remained hopeful, talking about a universal balance and a cosmic dance of give and take. If the path to enlightenment was difficult, then surely spiritual energy must be abundant, hidden somewhere in this world.

These words reignited Qian Shu Lan’s determination. She wouldn’t give up.

So she persisted, exploring every corner, leaving no stone unturned in her search for the elusive energy that would unlock the secrets of immortality.

Meanwhile, her business continued to thrive. The gold coins from her sales piled up. Number 153 informed her that winter had arrived, but they had already planted thousands of acres of wheat, ready to be sold once matured.

This meant Qian Shu Lan needed to save her gold coins for the upcoming harvest. In just two days, she managed to accumulate over five hundred, her coffers overflowing with the fruits of her labor.

Suddenly, she remembered the first time she saw that enticing elixir, the one that promised beauty enhancement and weight loss. The temptation had been strong back then, and now, a cunning plan started to form in her mind.

She set out to find a merchant who could customize the effects of the medicine to her preferences. Upon hearing her unusual request, Shopkeeper Number 8 raised a skeptical eyebrow.

【You want to reduce the duration of this potion’s beauty, anti-aging, and slimming properties? To what extent?】

Qian Shu Lan had her reasons. She intended to acquire regenerative pills for her brother, Qian Wei Han, but the delivery posed a challenge.

Handing them over directly was not an option. Although she could make up a story about where they came from, Qian Wei Han, with his military background, was much smarter than her naïve sons. The risk of him discovering her lie was too high.

She also didn’t like the idea of secretly slipping the pills into his water and playing the role of a silent benefactor. She wanted recognition for her generosity. After investing so much in these pills, she felt that she deserved some gratitude.

She was determined that Qian Wei Han had to take the pills, and in return, he had to take care of her. She needed a smarter strategy.

If she were to take the pills herself and undergo a transformation…

It might be a shock, but Qian Shu Lan was confident that Qian Wei Han’s soldierly composure would prevent any unnecessary alarm. She believed that this plan was the key to success.

With a firm nod, she declared, 【Half an hour should be enough.】

Shopkeeper Number 8 readily agreed, 【Very well. However, the cost is one hundred gold coins for a batch of one hundred pills. I won’t sell them individually.】

Without hesitation, Qian Shu Lan accepted the terms. Number 8 listed the items and provided the link for purchase, and she quickly completed the transaction.

The shipment was scheduled to arrive in three days, which was perfect for Qian Shu Lan as she didn’t need them immediately.

With her plan in motion, she headed to Shop Number 153 to buy an extra pair of rejuvenation pills.

 ─── ❖ ──  ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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