ARC 1: The Prime Minister’s Tool Wife ✦ c1 ~ 70 

✦ 31

Luo Rui furrowed his brow, a sense of confusion washing over him. “What’s going on here?” he inquired, his gaze sweeping over the commotion.

A maidservant, flustered and out of breath from chasing after Xu Xue Rou, hurried to explain. “Young Master, this is Miss Xu from Ningyuan’s Manor. Madam Luo instructed us to escort her back home.”

The mention of his stepmother’s family instantly dimmed Luo Rui’s interest in the situation. He was about to turn away when Xu Xue Rou, with the desperation of a drowning woman grasping at straws, broke free from her attendants and flung herself towards him, tears streaming down her face. 

“Master Luo! Please, save me!” she cried, her voice thick with despair.

Startled by her sudden action, Luo Rui instinctively stepped back, a puzzled frown etched on his face. “Save you? I thought you were being sent home by Madam. Did something happen?”

Xu Xue Rou’s eyes misted with sorrow, but she remained silent, unable to admit the truth: she didn’t want to leave the Luo residence, where she could flirt with him.

Sensing her mistress’s predicament, the quick-witted maidservant intervened, offering an explanation to Luo Rui while simultaneously exposing Xu Xue Rou’s intentions. 

The nearby maidservant quickly apologised to Young Master Luo and revealed the young woman’s embarrassment: “Miss Xu couldn’t go home without a carriage. Madam offered her the carriage to send her back, but Miss Xu declined and insisted on staying. When Madam disagreed, she sent us to forcibly escort Miss Xu back…”

Understanding dawned on Luo Rui, and a flicker of annoyance crossed his features. Xu Xue Rou, mortified by the maid’s bluntness, buried her face in her hands, her shame evident in the rosy hue that spread across her neck and down to her delicate figure. The maid’s words had left her no room for fabricated excuses, exposing the truth for all to see.

“Young Master Luo… It’s not… it’s not what you think…” she stammered, hoping her distress and visible vulnerability might soften his heart. 

She covered her face and bowed her head, revealing her delicate white neck and slender figure. 

Unfortunately for Xu Xue Rou, Luo Rui was unromantic and harboured an aversion to any matters involving his stepmother or her family. He remained unmoved by her pleas. 

With a wave of his hand, he ordered the attendants, “Do as Madam instructs and accompany Miss Xu back.”

With that, he turned and strode back towards the mansion, leaving Xu Xue Rou’s desperate cries unanswered, his gaze never wavering from his path.

Tears of humiliation and disappointment streamed down Xu Xue Rou’s face as she was escorted back to Ningyuan Manor. Her dreams of capturing Luo Rui’s heart lay shattered, replaced by the bitter sting of rejection and the searing memory of her public humiliation.

Back at Ningyuan Manor, Madam Xu was aghast to see her granddaughter return in such a dishevelled and distressed state. 

“Why are you back?” she demanded, her voice laced with frustration. “Didn’t I tell you to find a way to stay at the Luo residence?”

Xu Xue Rou could only sob in response, overwhelmed by shame and the crushing weight of her failure. The image of Master Luo witnessing her humiliation played on repeat in her mind, amplifying her despair.

“Grandmother, I tried,” she choked out, her voice thick with tears, “but Third Aunt wouldn’t listen. She insisted on sending me back…”

The hopes of those at Ningyuan Manor, once so bright, were extinguished like a candle in the wind. Their resentment towards Xu Shi Chu intensified, their curses echoing through the halls. Yet, amidst the storm of anger and frustration, Xu Shi Chu remained an island of calm, her composure unwavering. 

With Luo Ya Qing, the stepdaughter, now married, a loyal maid appointed by Luo Chang Qing had taken charge of the household affairs. However, certain matters still required the master’s attention. So, after the busy wedding banquet, Xu Shi Chu had to attend to these matters herself.

As the guests departed, Luo Rui found himself face-to-face with his stepmother. 

Xu Shi Chu’s eyes were narrowed, remembering her troublesome niece who had set her sights on him. To ensure a peaceful stay at the manor, she felt compelled to warn him:

“My niece has her sights set on you,” she began, her voice low and direct, “enticed by your status and position. She attempted to use me as an excuse to remain at the manor, hoping to scheme her way into becoming your wife. While she failed this time, I wouldn’t put it past her to try other methods. Be cautious, especially when you’re away from the manor. Should you fall victim to her schemes, don’t hold me accountable. Consider yourself warned.”

She paused briefly before continuing, her tone hardening slightly. “Furthermore, my relationship with Ningyuan Manor is strained, to say the least. If she approaches you using my name, do not be deceived. Should anything happen, I will not acknowledge it, and any misplaced anger directed towards me will be met with swift and merciless retaliation. Let this be a clear understanding between us.”

Luo Rui was taken aback by his stepmother’s bluntness. He hadn’t expected such forthrightness, especially considering the potential damage to her family’s reputation. It seemed her claims of a strained relationship with her family held more weight than he initially assumed.

“Thank you for the warning, Stepmother,” he replied, a note of genuine appreciation in his voice. “I will be sure to remain vigilant.”

Being the Prime Minister’s only son, Luo Rui was no stranger to marriage schemes and manipulative tactics. Therefore, his stepmother’s warning didn’t offend him, especially since she hadn’t been involved and had been “honest” with him.

Just then, Shu Qi, Lord Luo’s attendant, rushed over, his face etched with worry. “Madam! Master has indulged a bit too much tonight and is still quite restless. He seems to have developed a slight fever. Should we summon a physician?”

Xu Shi Chu glanced at her stepson beside her and responded with a dismissive wave of her hand. “As the young master, tending to Lord Luo’s needs falls upon you. I’ve had a long and tiring day, and I require rest. Please excuse me.” 

With that, she turned and departed with her handmaid, her demeanour devoid of any concern for her husband’s well-being, her steps not faltering as she walked away.

Luo Rui couldn’t help but feel a pang of unease at his stepmother’s indifference towards his father’s condition. He quickly dismissed the feeling, rationalising that perhaps this emotional distance was for the better. It meant his father’s heart wouldn’t be swayed, his mother’s memory remaining untarnished…

A cynical thought crossed his mind – perhaps he wasn’t the epitome of righteousness himself. However, the sight of Shu Qi anxiously awaiting his instructions snapped him back to the present. 

Pushing aside his internal musings, he commanded, “Fetch the physician immediately. I’ll go check on Father.”

Luo Rui entered his father’s bedchamber to find him tossing and turning, his brow furrowed in discomfort. A servant stood by his bedside, gently wiping his flushed face with a damp cloth.

“Father! Father!” Luo Rui called out, concern lacing his voice as he observed his father’s restless state.

Luo Chang Qing stirred at the sound of his son’s voice, his eyelids fluttering open with effort. However, his gaze lacked its usual sharpness, his eyes appearing vacant and unfocused, as if struggling to recognize the familiar face before him.

“Prepare a bowl of hangover remedy for Father,” Luo Rui instructed the servant.

“Master has already had a dose of the remedy,” the servant replied hesitantly.

Undeterred, Luo Rui ordered, “If one bowl isn’t enough, then prepare another!”

The servant hurried to comply, returning shortly with a fresh bowl of the concoction. With gentle hands, Luo Rui helped his father drink the remedy, hoping it would alleviate his discomfort and clear his clouded mind.

After a few moments, Luo Chang Qing’s gaze sharpened, recognition dawning in his eyes as he focused on his son. “Rui’er? What are you doing here at this late hour? Shouldn’t you be resting?”

“Father, you haven’t been feeling well. Your son is worried and couldn’t possibly relax until the physician has examined you.” 

“I’m not that fragile,” Luo Chang Qing mumbled, shielding his eyes with his arm as if warding off the bright light. “It’s just… Qing’er’s wedding today… it’s left me feeling a bit melancholic, so I indulged in a few extra drinks.”

Understanding washed over Luo Rui. He knew how much his father cherished his sister, and her departure to a new family must have stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him.

“Father, Qing’er’s marriage is a joyous occasion. Her husband will undoubtedly treat her with the utmost care and respect. There’s no need to worry.” 

“Despite the joy, she’s now part of another family, far from my watchful eyes. How can I not worry?” Luo Chang Qing sighed, a deep sadness etched on his face. “All I can do now is hope that Zhou Wen Cun is a man of good character and won’t disappoint your sister.”

“I have no doubt that Zhou Wen Cun loves and respects Qing’er deeply. He would never do anything to hurt her. Father, you’re overthinking things,” Luo Rui tried his best to alleviate his father’s fears.

Luo Chang Qing shook his head, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He felt his son, with his innocent outlook, was still too young to grasp the complexities of human nature and the unpredictable twists and turns life often takes.

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


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  1. Yes, I once watched a documentary about Vegetable deserts in several countries, including the United States. These are places that…

  2. ”safety first, flirting later” our SC has her priorities set straight! thank you for the chapters!

  3. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

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