ARC 1: The Prime Minister’s Tool Wife ✦ c1 ~ 70 

✦ 33

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

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Luo Rui’s marriage to Qin Zhi Xing’s sister was decided by Luo Chang Qing and his son, and it had nothing to do with Xu Shi Chu.

As a stepmother, Xu Shi Chu was simply fulfilling her duty by treating Qin Mei with courtesy. After all, Qin Mei would be the future mistress of the Luo family. Xu Shi Chu had no intention of being an annoying stepmother.

However, news of Luo Rui’s engagement to a woman of seemingly unknown origins stirred a hornet’s nest within the Ningyuan Marquis’s mansion. Fueled by indignation, the Marquise’s wife confronted Xu Shi Chu, demanding an explanation and insisting she intervene to prevent the marriage.

Xu Shi Chu refused her directly and sent her away mercilessly. Wasn’t the tragedy of the original host precisely because of this? Why would she bother with such a thankless and detrimental task?

Just when she thought the drama surrounding her stepson’s marriage had subsided, her stepdaughter, Luo Ya Qing, arrived at her doorstep. 

Xu Shi Chu was taken aback by Luo Ya Qing’s appearance. The once elegant and refined young woman, known for her simple yet tasteful attire in soft hues of green, yellow, and light purple, was now adorned in a flamboyant display of red and purple silk, with her hair weighed down by an excessive amount of jewellery and ornaments.

Unbeknownst to Xu Shi Chu, Luo Ya Qing’s transformation originated from a series of unfortunate events that occurred after her marriage into Prince Shun Yi’s mansion. Although she had a preference for a more subdued and refined style, she felt compelled to conform to the extravagant customs of her new family.

Her attempts to uphold her simpler style were met with ridicule and accusations of pettiness and self-righteousness from her sisters-in-law, the crown princess, and other members of the household. They questioned her motives, suggesting that she looked down upon the luxury and wealth of the mansion.

Luo Ya Qing’s explanations went unheard, and the constant criticism, especially in front of Prince Shun Yi, slowly eroded his opinion of her. In order to avoid more conflict, she reluctantly embraced their flashy style, only to be accused of being a fake and putting on an act. If she genuinely preferred a more modest style, why would she switch it up so easily?

…When Luo Ya Qing heard these words, she felt as though her teeth were about to shatter. She felt unfairly treated and full of resentment. She had changed her style to fit in, but they still mocked her.

The never-ending negativity and judgement left Luo Ya Qing feeling completely defeated and resentful. She sought support and understanding from her husband, Zhou Wen Cun, but was met with dismissiveness and accusations of overreacting.

As a result, after getting married, Luo Ya Qing finally experienced mistreatment from her in-laws and husband.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t express her dissatisfaction or grievances, as that would be seen as narrow-minded and overly emotional.

Her hopes for a harmonious married life were shattered, replaced by a sense of isolation and frustration. Longing for a temporary escape, she decided to seek refuge in the familiar comfort of her childhood home. With this in mind, she informed the Princess Dowager (her husband’s grandmother) of her desire to visit her family.

  • (王妃: In imperial China, the Princess Dowager is a title for the widow of a prince or a deceased emperor.)

To her surprise, the Princess Dowager summoned her for a private conversation. 

With a gentle touch and a warm smile, she expressed her affection and said, “I hear your stepmother’s courtyard boasts a stunning collection of flowers and plants. During my recent visit to Lady Wen’s residence, I came across a remarkable tea plant called the ‘Five-Colored Scarlet Pill.’ (五色赤丹) Its blossoms bloom in five different hues, a truly magnificent sight to behold.”

“Good child, can you help me talk to your stepmother? I really like the Five-Colored Scarlet Pill, and I’m wondering if she could spare me a pot?”

The sudden request from the Princess Dowager left Luo Ya Qing in disbelief, her eyes widening.

Luo Ya Qing blinked, once, twice, unsure if she had heard the Princess Dowager correctly. A pot of Five-Colored Scarlet Pill? From her stepmother? Heat crept up her neck, turning her cheeks crimson. The mere thought of making such a bold request, let alone from Mistress Xu, felt like swallowing a prickly burr.

Her relationship with Mistress Xu was cordial at best, and the idea of asking her stepmother for a favor, especially one as audacious as this, filled her with embarrassment. She had never been one to demand something from someone else, and the thought of humbly asking her stepmother for a pot of precious flowers was mortifying.

The Princess Dowager’s expectant gaze only intensified Luo Ya Qing’s discomfort. Refusing the request would offend the princess, but complying would make it impossible for her to look her stepmother in the eye. She was caught in a dilemma, and her silence stretched out like an uncomfortable pause.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you want to?” The Princess Dowager’s voice cut through her thoughts. A frosty glint entered her eyes, her lips thinning into a line as she withdrew her hand. “It’s just a pot of flowers. Can’t you even mention it to your stepmother?”

“No, no, it’s not that I don’t want to,” Luo Ya Qing stammered, feeling ashamed. The words stuck in her throat, refusing to form a coherent sentence. “I just don’t know if my stepmother would…”

“She’s just a stepmother,” the Princess Dowager scoffed. “As the only daughter of the Luo family, all you have to do is make a small request. Would she dare refuse? Or are you afraid she’ll speak ill of you to your father?” Suspicion narrowed her gaze. “Could it be that you don’t want to do your best for me?”

Panic gripped Luo Ya Qing. “Of course not! Whatever Prince’s Mother desires, the daughter-in-law will do her utmost to obtain it!”

A satisfied smile finally appeared on the Princess Dowager’s lips. “Then I shall wait for your good news. By the way, this time you can spend a few more days at your parents’ home.”

The words felt more like a command than a suggestion. Luo Ya Qing returned to her parents’ home, the weight of the task pressing down on her. What was meant to be a relaxing visit now loomed before her like a storm cloud on the horizon.

Returning to the Luo residence, she found it quiet, her father and brother still absent on official duties. Luo Ya Qing went straight to find her step-mother, her heart pounding against her ribs, a drum against the taut skin of anxiety. Each step towards Mistress Xu’s courtyard felt like a march towards defeat.

Xu Shi Chu’s gaze swept over her, cool and appraising, like a merchant assessing the quality of silk. Gone was the imperious air of the Luo family’s daughter, replaced by a hesitant uncertainty that gnawed at her composure. 

“You mean the Princess Dowager actually likes my Five-Colored Scarlet Pill Tea Flower and wants one?” Xu Shi Chu asked casually, amusement dancing in her eyes.

“Yes, Prince’s Mother saw it at the Wen Mansion and instantly fell in love with it,” Luo Ya Qing replied, struggling to maintain her composure.

Memories flickered of servants scurrying to fulfil her every whim, of her father’s indulgent smile, and her brother’s playful teasing. Now, she stood before a woman she’d once barely acknowledged, forced to plead for a favour.

A tight smile touched Xu Shi Chu’s lips. “Well, that’s unfortunate,” she said, each word measured and deliberate. “I only have two plants left now. One of them I intend to auction at the Blossom Pavilion next month, and the other I plan to keep for myself to enjoy. I cannot give it to anyone else.”

Desperation clawed at Luo Ya Qing. “Could you please not auction that one plant at the Blossom Pavilion? I’ll buy it directly with money.”

“I’m sorry,” Xu Shi Chu said frankly, her tone brooking no argument. “My Blossom Pavilion is famous for auctioning rare flowers and plants. Besides, I’ve already spread the word that the Five-Colored Scarlet Pill Tea Flower will be auctioned next month. If I suddenly don’t auction it, it will harm the reputation of my flower shop, which is more detrimental than beneficial.”

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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