ARC 1: The Prime Minister’s Tool Wife ✦ c1 ~ 70 

✦ 61

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

“Madame Hu, are you saying that she’s Prime Minister Luo’s wife?” Madame Wen asked, her voice filled with disbelief.

Madame Hu nodded confidently and said, “Yes, that’s correct. Rumour has it that Prime Minister Luo’s wife is incredibly beautiful, surpassing even the most eligible maidens in the capital. She’s a mother to a adopted child, not her own biological ones. It all adds up, doesn’t it?”

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd, their shock palpable. The woman who had previously insulted Madam Luo, comparing her to a fox spirit, now looked both pale and red with panic.

However, many in the crowd felt a sense of relief. They hadn’t insulted Madam Luo after all. Or perhaps, they simply hadn’t had the chance to do so?

Madame Wen’s anxiety was evident as she said, “But why would the Prime Minister’s wife come here? Could there be some ulterior motive?”

Shaking her head, Madame Hu replied, “I can’t say for sure. But I heard whispers about her character during my last visit to the capital. They say she’s a woman who handles debts and credits with clarity, acts decisively, and indulges her desires without hesitation. A leisurely visit here wouldn’t be out of the question.”

Madame Wen pondered and suggested, “Then maybe we should invite Madam Luo to our house? 

The Prime Minister’s favour could greatly benefit her husband’s career. Meeting Madam Luo here could prove an opportunity to win her favour.

“We’ll approach Madam Luo once she’s had enough fun,” Madame Hu cautiously suggested. “If she declines, we shouldn’t push it.”

On the side, Hu Yun Zhi and his friends, including Young Master Wen, were astonished by the revelation. The friendly lady they had just met was the Prime Minister’s wife?

“Mother, are you absolutely sure about this? Madam Luo is really the Prime Minister’s wife? There’s no chance you’re mistaken?” Hu Yun Zhi asked, clearly sceptical.

Madame Hu’s gaze was firm as she replied, “I have perfect eyesight. I wouldn’t mistake Madam Luo for anyone else.”

Hu Yun Zhi’s incredulity was clear in his voice as he said, “But you didn’t recognize her earlier, did you? It only dawned on you later…”

Madame Hu’s warning was stern as she said, “Now that we know her true identity, we must be careful in her presence. Do you understand?” She looked at the younger onlookers, making sure they understood the seriousness of the situation.

The envy and jealousy that once coloured the ladies’ view of Xu Shi Chu’s allure now gave way to caution. They dared not entertain thoughts of malice; she was beyond their reproach.

Recognizing that Xu Shi Chu was now untouchable, the crowd quickly changed their approach, eager to please her in every way possible.

“Son, did you glean any of Madam Luo’s preferences during dinner? We should bring gifts when we visit,” Madam Wen asked her son.

Young Master Wen, unaware of Xu Shi Chu’s tastes, could only shake his head in confusion. “I wasn’t paying attention, Mother.”

Madam Wen’s face showed sheer frustration. “Utterly hopeless!”

Madam Hu interrupted with a suggestion, “Men often overlook such details. It’s not surprising that he missed her likes. But think about this—Madam Luo owns the famous ‘Drunken Fragrance Pavilion’ in the capital. Many of its unique incense blends are her creations. She must have a fondness for spices.”

A realisation sparked in Madam Wen’s eyes. “The ‘Drunken Fragrance Pavilion’ belongs to Madam Luo? Their incenses are my absolute favourite. I always have them brought from the capital. How wonderful it would be to have her open a branch here.”

The thought of a gift slipped from her mind as the conversation turned to Xu Shi Chu’s renowned establishments. The women buzzed with excitement, while the young masters exchanged looks, intrigued not by scents or flowers, but by Xu Shi Chu’s mystique.

“Could Madam Luo really have such influence?” Hu Yun Zhi pondered to Young Master Wen, stepping away from the lively chatter.

Young Master Wen responded with a hint of scorn. “How would I know? You’re the one who encountered her on the street!”

Hu Yun Zhi let out a wistful sigh. “Ignorance was bliss. I could have freely enjoyed her company at Wenan Mansion, but now… knowing who she is makes it all seem daunting.” His dreams of carefree camaraderie were shattered; his mother would never approve of frivolity with Madam Luo.

Amidst the inner turmoil of the onlookers, Xu Shi Chu and little Du Zhao revelled in their own world. 

The boy, filled with joy, tumbled under a cherry blossom-laden tree, giggling like a delighted piglet in the soft, petal-strewn grass. “Auntie, this is wonderful! It feels like rolling on clouds!”

Petals fell like a rosy blizzard, gently tumbling over little Zhao Zhao. After frolicking to his heart’s content, he now lay amidst the floral snow. With glee, he scooped up handfuls of cherry blossoms, launching them into the sky and watching them dance back down upon him.

“Auntie, look! It’s like a snowfall of petals! Haha…” His laughter resounded, pure and bright, as he playfully flung petals into the air. His cheeks glowed a merry pink, mirroring the hue of the cherry blossoms.

Those who witnessed his innocent revelry couldn’t hide their smiles. There’s something universally heartwarming about a child’s uncontainable happiness.

Drawn by the boy’s mirth, other children swiftly joined the impromptu frolic. They rolled in the petals, scooped them up, and playfully tossed them at each other in a mock battle, their laughter a symphony of joy.

Xu Shi Chu watched over Du Zhao, content to let him play. After all, childhood was meant for freedom and fun, not limitations and caution.

So little Zhao Zhao indulged in his play, his clothes becoming a canvas of floral stains. The vibrant hues narrated tales of his adventures.

As Xu Shi Chu led the mischievous youngster back from their cherry blossom escapade, Madam Hu and the others gasped in surprise. “Young Master, what on earth happened to you?”

Du Zhao, once pristine, now resembled a young artist after a day of painting. His clothes formed a patchwork of colours, his hair became a nest for stray petals, and his cheeks were smeared with the affectionate touch of blossoms. One could easily mistake him for a child of the wild rather than the manor.

“It’s all in good fun,” Xu Shi Chu reassured them. “He was simply enjoying the cherry blossoms, that’s all.”

Realising his dishevelled state, the little boy’s embarrassment bloomed, and he clung to Xu Shi Chu’s leg, seeking refuge behind her. His small form tried to vanish from the amused gazes around him.

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. Yes, I once watched a documentary about Vegetable deserts in several countries, including the United States. These are places that…

  2. ”safety first, flirting later” our SC has her priorities set straight! thank you for the chapters!

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