ARC 1: The Prime Minister’s Tool Wife ✦ c1 ~ 70 

✦ 68

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

“It’s undeniable—my stepmother-in-law holds a grudge against me. I must have unintentionally offended her, and now, I strongly believe she is plotting her revenge. Mom, we need to find a way to stop her before it’s too late!”

As she paced the room, her anxiety was almost tangible, as if her stepmother-in-law had already sent someone to her husband’s quarters. If Xu Shi Chu could see her now, she would probably think the girl had an overly active imagination. After all, meddling in her stepson’s love life? That was the last thing on her to-do list.

But without hearing Madam Luo’s side of the story, Qin Mei and her mother viewed her as a potential threat, someone to be cautious of.

“Is she here?” Qin’s mother inquired, her forehead furrowed with concern. “Maybe you should speak to her directly. Explain to her that Luo Rui has no interest in other women. That should put an end to her meddling, right? Remember, she is just a stepmother. While it may be common for a son to have concubines, it doesn’t hold the same weight as the desires of a biological mother, who naturally has her son’s best interests at heart. Perhaps if we emphasise that it’s Luo Rui who opposes the idea of concubines, she won’t be able to push the issue.”

Qin Mei remained unconvinced. “But Luo Rui hasn’t expressed any objections to having concubines.”

Her mother shot her a meaningful look. “Well, someone needs to inform her, and it might as well be us. We can’t afford to wait. I’ll go and ascertain her true intentions immediately,” she declared, prepared to confront Madam Luo without any delay. 

Regrettably, their timing couldn’t have been worse. Xu Shi Chu was nowhere to be found, leaving Qin’s mother’s mission for another day. 

Meanwhile, Xu Shi Chu remained blissfully ignorant of the unfounded accusations being concocted against her.

Initially, Qin’s mother had planned to stay longer to support her daughter. However, an urgent matter arose at home, requiring her immediate attention and causing her to shorten her visit.

Back at home, the family eagerly listened to Qin Mei’s situation. Her brother, always protective, became particularly upset upon learning about the potential threats to his sister. The idea that his sister’s stepmother-in-law might introduce other women into her husband’s life, especially during her pregnancy, ignited his anger. Determined, he decided to confront Luo Rui.

Luo Rui, who had just finished his official duties, was pleasantly surprised to see his good friend and fellow young official, Qin Zhi Xing. Despite being posted in different places, they were close enough for Qin Zhi Xing to find him. 

“Brother!” Luo Rui greeted with a bright smile, assuming Qin Zhi Xing had come to celebrate the news of his wife’s pregnancy. “You’ve heard about it, right? I’m going to be a father, and you, an uncle.”

Qin Zhi Xing responded with a cool nod, lacking the warmth that Luo Rui had expected. Sensing the coldness, his smile faded. “Brother, what’s wrong? You don’t seem happy for me and my wife.”

Without saying a word, Qin Zhi Xing steered Luo Rui to a more secluded area, his expression serious. “Tell me, have you ever thought about taking a concubine? Has your stepmother already chosen someone for you?”

Misunderstandings often arise from the seeds of gossip. Qin Mei’s suspicion that Xu Shi Chu might assign a maid to her husband had morphed into a rumour, which eventually reached Qin Zhi Xing as a fact – Xu Shi Chu had already selected a servant girl for Luo Rui.

Luo Rui’s eyes widened in disbelief at his brother’s direct question. “No, absolutely not! The idea of taking a concubine has never crossed my mind! And-“

His confusion was evident. “Who said my stepmother has chosen a woman for me? She doesn’t meddle in my personal life. In fact, she prefers to maintain her distance. Why would she involve herself in such matters?”

Luo Rui recalled Xu Shi Chu’s tendency to avoid him and shook his head at the absurdity of the accusation.

“Is that so? But my sister believes that your stepmother is vengeful. She’s afraid that after having offended her in the past, Madam Luo might take this opportunity to retaliate,” Qin Zhi Xing replied, his voice filled with doubt.

Luo Rui let out a weary sigh. “My stepmother can hold a grudge, yes, but she’s straightforward about it. She wouldn’t scheme behind the scenes. When your sister upset her, she demanded immediate action from my father and me, refusing to be further involved. She’s not the type to harm others for her own benefit.”

His reassurance seemed to sway Qin Zhi Xing, who reconsidered his sister’s assertions.

“Mei Mei is still young and impulsive, and her pregnancy only intensifies her anxieties. Please, be patient with her,” Qin Zhi Xing pleaded.

Luo Rui’s expression softened. “She’s my wife, and I will always take care of her. Don’t worry, brother,” he promised. 

Although he sometimes questioned his marriage to Qin Mei, he knew that with a child on the way, there was no place for regret—only responsibility.

Qin Zhi Xing knew his sister all too well—her true nature was a far cry from the ideal wife and mother. However, despite this, he preferred his sister over his friend due to the complexities of family loyalty. Although carrying this burden was difficult for Qin Zhi Xing, he did it for the sake of his family. 

Motivated by guilt, Qin Zhi Xing doubled his efforts to be there for Luo Rui. He gently encouraged his sister to be more empathetic and understanding, while also providing counsel and support to Luo Rui in their official roles. His goal was to create a bond of gratitude that would ensure Luo Rui’s affections remained rooted at home.

This dedication aligned with Luo Rui’s own desire for mutual support, making their partnership seem all the more fruitful, even if Qin Zhi Xing shouldered the weight of their differences alone.

As the old adage goes, “After eating salted fish, one craves a drink.” Surely, Luo Rui could weather this storm.

After their conversation concluded, Qin Zhi Xing mounted his horse and set off. Fate, however, had a surprise in store for him as he crossed paths with his sister’s stepmother-in-law on the bustling main street.

Her carriage stood out, its wheels carving a distinct path amidst the crowd. Recognizing it as Xu Shi Chu’s, Qin Zhi Xing felt compelled to intervene and halted her progress with his mount.

“Madam Luo, I would like to speak with you,” he called out, his voice respectful as he bowed slightly from his saddle.

Intrigued by the interruption, Xu Shi Chu peered out from her carriage, her brow arched in curiosity. “Why has the esteemed Lord Qin come to see me? Have I done something to offend?”

“Madam, there is a matter that requires your attention,” Qin Zhi Xing replied, momentarily losing his composure as Xu Shi Chu’s smile—a sight of otherworldly beauty—caught him off guard.

Her presence alone seemed to transform the street, her radiant smile casting a glow that turned the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Gathering his resolve, Qin Zhi Xing managed to articulate his request. “Please, let us find a more peaceful setting to converse.”

Xu Shi Chu nodded, signalling her driver to follow the young official. Together, they moved away from the crowd, seeking the tranquillity required for their private conversation.

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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