ARC 2: Stepmother in the Seventies ✦ c71~116 (46)

✦ 7

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

Li Dan Yang patiently waited for the house to empty, as everyone went about their daily tasks. Anticipation welled up inside her, causing her fingers to itch. Seizing the moment, she tiptoed to the drawer where her mother kept her most treasured possession – a small tin of peanut candy. Back in the day, it was a treat reserved solely for her eldest nephew, causing envy among the rest of village children.

  • (Peanut candy (花生糖, huāshēng táng): A traditional Chinese sweet made from peanuts and sugar.)

For days, Li Dan Yang had been daydreaming about ways to get closer to Zhou Wei Guo. Unfortunately, he was working in the city, leaving her plans frustratingly grounded. However, even though she couldn’t see him, she could still see his children.

Armed with the forbidden candy, Li Dan Yang went to places the children most often played. 

The usual gang of village children filled the village free spaces, their laughter echoing as they chased each other in a whirlwind of shouts and scrapes. However, they were not exactly the picturesque image of charm. Years of hard work and meagre rations had left them all a bit worse for wear. Sun-baked skin and clothes that had seen better days made them resemble a pack of playful, yet slightly feral, monkeys.

Li Dan Yang had never paid much attention to them before, but today she scanned the crowd, searching for two specific faces. It took a moment for her to spot Zhou Wei Guo’s two children. 

The oldest one, Zhou Jian Hong, (周建鸿: “the vast accomplishments established by the Zhou family” or “a person of great ambition and extensive influence”), who would later become a successful clothing tycoon, was currently a seven-year-old bundle of energy.

  • “周” (Zhōu): This is a common Chinese surname that can also mean “complete” or “circumference”. It is associated with wholeness and inclusiveness1.
  • “建” (Jiàn): This character means “build” or “establish”. It is often used to denote construction or the foundation of something significant1.
  • “鸿” (Hóng): This character can mean “wild swan”, “great”, or “vast”. It is usually associated with largeness and is often used to symbolise a broad or far-reaching impact1.
  • When combined, “周建鸿” (Zhōu Jiànhóng) could be interpreted as “the vast accomplishments established by the Zhou family” or “a person of great ambition and extensive influence,” suggesting a person who is destined for significant achievements and has a wide-reaching impact.

Dressed in a patched shirt and holding what appeared to be dried cow dung “cake” (clearly, playtime was in full swing), he engaged in a playful battle with his friends…

  • (Cow dung (牛粪, niú fèn): Dried cow faeces “cakes”, commonly used as fuel or fertiliser in rural areas. They are often pilled up to dry like in the picture.)

Li Dan Yang blinked, doing a double-take. Could this grimy little boy, indistinguishable from any other on the playground, truly be a future millionaire? He certainly didn’t radiate any hidden brilliance.

Li Dan Yang had to look twice, three times, but the resemblance was undeniable. He might still have the innocence of childhood etched on his face, but those features held the unmistakable echo of the wealthy businessman Zhou Jian Hong she’d seen on television in her past life. The resemblance to his father, Zhou Wei Guo, was even more striking. Denial gnawed at her, but the evidence was clear.

The future medical expert, Zhou Jian Ying (周建英:  “the outstanding accomplishments established by the Zhou family” or “a person of heroic beauty and significant influence” ), presented an even more dishevelled picture. Two glistening trails of snot decorated her face, and her hair stood on end, a testament to days without washing. 

  • 周” (Zhōu): This is a common Chinese surname that can also mean “complete” or “circumference”. It is associated with wholeness and inclusiveness.
  • “建” (Jiàn): This character means “build” or “establish”. It is often used to denote construction or the foundation of something significant.
  • “英” (Yīng): This character means “hero”, “outstanding”, or “flower”. It is often used to symbolise excellence or beauty.
  • When combined, “周建英” (Zhōu Jiànyīng) could be interpreted as “the outstanding accomplishments established by the Zhou family” or “a person of heroic beauty and significant influence,” suggesting a person who is destined for remarkable achievements and has a profound impact. 

Li Dan Yang’s stomach lurched. Approaching these two…well, let’s just say her future held a lot of sacrifice.

Gritting her teeth, she forced a smile and called out, “Zhou Jian Hong, Zhou Jian Ying! Come here a minute!”

The siblings turned, confusion etched on their faces. Sister Dan Yang usually avoided them like the plague. What could she possibly want?

But she was still an adult, so Zhou Jian Hong and Zhou Jian Ying had no choice but to run over and ask, “Sister Dan Yang, what is it?”

“We were playing.” Zhou Jian Hong whined, his eyes constantly flicking back to his friends.

Li Dan Yang, suppressing a grimace, plastered on her sweetest smile. Reaching into her pocket, she produced two precious candies. “Someone gave me these sweets,” she said, her voice honeyed. “They’re supposed to be delicious. Want to try?”

A collective gasp escaped the siblings. Candy! Their eyes widened like saucers. Before Li Dan Yang could finish, the treats were snatched and shoved into eager mouths.

Li Dan Yang discreetly wiped her fingers on a nearby tree trunk, then leaned in conspiratorially. “Remember, this is a secret, okay? No telling anyone else about the candy. If you do, well, let’s just say the candy deliveries stop. But hey, you can tell your family…”

A sly glint shone in her eyes. These naive youngsters were putty in her hands. All it took was a bribe to secure their cooperation. The siblings, blissfully unaware of her schemes, enthusiastically nodded their agreement.

“We promise, Big Sister Dan Yang! Just keep sharing the sweets, okay?” Zhou Jian Ying chimed in, her voice muffled by candy.

“You’re such good listeners,” Li Dan Yang purred, her smile widening further. “Of course, I can’t give you candy every day. After all, I’m not family. But if you were my family…” a mischievous glint sparked in her eyes, “well, let’s just say the candy jar wouldn’t run empty. My nephew, for instance, has eaten so much candy he practically needs a new set of teeth!”

Li Dan Yang revelled in her little white lie, exploiting their childish innocence for her own gain.

Zhou Jian Hong’s eyes widened further. “Can someone in your family really eat candy every day?” he gasped, a flicker of envy replacing his initial excitement. “Can I be part of your family too?”

Li Dan Yang’s heart skipped a beat. This was almost too easy. She feigned a wistful sigh. “But I’m not part of your family yet,” she said, her voice dripping with mock sadness. “I truly like you both, and wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were all one big family? Unfortunately, things aren’t that simple.”

She stopped herself before diving headfirst into proposing to their father. Maybe hinting too strongly at being their stepmother wasn’t the best approach. Brushing her unease aside, she ruffled Zhou Jian Ying’s hair, wincing internally at the grime. “Alright, finish your sweets and get back to playing, little ones!”

Turning away, she scrubbed her hand on her pants with a vengeance. It was just dirt, temporary neglect. After all, without a mother around, what else could you expect? As long as she became part of the family, they would naturally become clean and obedient children…

  • (TN: Oh, you silly, silly little goose. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, then your two lifetimes personal hell was made with naivety.)

Meanwhile, completely unaware of Li Dan Yang’s grand plan, Zhou Jian Hong and Zhou Jian Ying were back to their wild games, completely forgetting about her and the promise. However, it wasn’t until midnight that the candy bliss crossed their minds again.

A sharp pain jolted Zhou Jian Hong awake in the middle of the night. Groaning, he stumbled to his grandmother’s room.

“Grandma,” he whimpered, clutching his stomach, “I think my tummy hurts.”

Grandma Zhou, awakened by his distress, inquired if he had eaten anything strange that day.  

A vague memory surfaced in Zhou Jian Hong’s mind.  “Dan Yang gave us some candy,” he mumbled.

Grandma Zhou knew Li Dan Yang, but their families weren’t particularly close. Li Dan Yang had a reputation for being hotheaded and self-serving. Why the sudden generosity with precious candy? Sweets were rationed. Giving two pieces away to someone else’s children? It was baffling.

She pondered for a moment, then shrugged. The candy was enjoyed, that was all that mattered. Little did she know, Li Dan Yang’s elaborate scheme wanted to snag her son – too bad she targeted the wrong people, who didn’t care.

Back at home, Li Dan Yang had barely crossed the threshold when her sister-in-law, just back from work, launched into a familiar tirade. “Look who’s finally decided to grace us with her presence! And what a sight! Wasting away here, eating and drinking for free! Look at how lazy you’ve become!”

Li Dan Yang bristled. The resentment simmering within her for years boiled over. This woman had never missed a chance to remind her of Wei Shao Cheng’s betrayal, calling her a useless burden, a worthless woman who couldn’t even keep a man, a parasite living off her family without contributing anything. It was bad enough living at her parents’ house, but this constant barrage of insults was unbearable!

Glaring at her sister-in-law with an intensity that startled the woman, Li Dan Yang retorted, “Loafing around? Am I eating clothes here? Take a look at your precious son’s mess! It takes a saint to clean that kind of filth!”

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. Yes, I once watched a documentary about Vegetable deserts in several countries, including the United States. These are places that…

  2. ”safety first, flirting later” our SC has her priorities set straight! thank you for the chapters!

  3. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

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