ARC 2: Stepmother in the Seventies ✦ c71~116 (46)

✦ 18

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

Ji Ming Tao held her close, his eyes darting around like a startled rabbit. Anyone would think he was a thief about to be caught. 

Gu Shi Chu, watching him, burst into laughter. The man who usually wore an aloof, almost bored expression was a bundle of nerves, his composure shattered. The contrast was utterly delightful.

Embarrassment and annoyance warred on Ji Ming Tao’s face. He lowered his head, claiming her lips in a fierce kiss, silencing her laughter. He didn’t give her a chance to breathe, consuming her until she was breathless and pliant in his arms.

When he finally released her, Gu Shi Chu’s heart hammered against her ribs. The thrill of their stolen kiss, the heightened awareness of their surroundings, was intoxicating. Ji Ming Tao’s reaction was far more intense than anything she’d witnessed at home.

Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “So, are we wild mandarin ducks now?” she teased, tracing a finger along his jawline.

Ji Ming Tao scowled, his fleeting moment of vulnerability vanishing. “Can you be serious for once?”

“Why? What we’re doing isn’t serious at all,” she shot back, her boldness unwavering.

He was momentarily speechless. *She’s right,* he thought grudgingly. *And I almost forgot it.* His face remained impassive as he gently disentangled himself from her grasp.

Gu Shi Chu reluctantly withdrew her hand. Teasing him too much would only lead to frustration. She glanced at her bucket, half-full of snails. “I’ve got enough for a stir-fry. We can pick at them together tonight. My spicy snails are legendary.”

Ji Ming Tao nodded. “You go back first. I need to head further up the mountain.”

“Alright,” she agreed easily. “Take care and don’t get hurt.”

“I will,” he replied, placing a plump bamboo rat in her free hand. “Take this with you.”

Without further ado, Gu Shi Chu turned towards home, her bucket swinging in one hand, the unexpected gift in the other.

Passing the banyan grove, Gu Shi Chu noted the absence of Li Dan Yang and Wei Shao Cheng. Their argument must have reached its natural conclusion. She shrugged it off. Li Dan Yang was about to be married; Wei Shao Cheng’s scheming days were likely over.

Back in the village, she bumped into Li Dan Yang’s mother. Mother Li’s eyes widened at the sight of the plump bamboo rat. “My word, Gu girl, what a catch! That’s enough for several meals! Where did you find it? I’ll tell my husband to try his luck.”

While everything technically belonged to the collective, small game was fair game for individual hunters. Only larger beasts like boar or deer required sharing with the village. 

Mother Li couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy. Meat was a rare treat these days, and Gu Shi Chu’s prize looked to be a good seven or eight jin – a feast for any family.

  • ( Jin (斤) is a traditional Chinese unit of weight, approximately equal to 0.5 kilograms or 1.1 pounds.)

Gu Shi Chu smiled easily. “I found it in the bamboo grove on the hill. It was well hidden, took me ages to catch.” She lied effortlessly. Only Ji Ming Tao knew the truth of the bamboo rat’s origin.

“My, you’re a lucky one,” Mother Li said, her gaze lingering on the plump rodent.

Gu Shi Chu simply smiled and continued on her way. 

She had barely gone a few steps when Mother Li called after her, “Gu girl, don’t forget, my daughter’s wedding is on the eighth. You’ll be there, won’t you?”

“Of course, Auntie Li,” Gu Shi Chu replied readily.  

It wasn’t that she was particularly close to the Li family, but in Zhou Village, everyone was connected in some way. Weddings were a communal affair, a chance for the whole village to celebrate and share in the festivities. She had no quarrel with the Li family, and it wouldn’t be right to miss such an event.

On the eighth, Gu Shi Chu grabbed a few eggs as a gift – and headed towards the Li family home. As expected, the celebration was in full swing. After presenting her offering, Gu Shi Chu joined the throng of well-wishers crowding into Li Dan Yang’s room to see the bride.

Weddings these days were simple affairs, but Li Dan Yang was a vision of joy. Her red chequered top, while not the brightest shade, was new and brought a radiant glow to her cheeks. The women around her teased and congratulated her, their words washing over her in a happy blur. She sat on the bed, a mixture of bashful excitement and anticipation lighting up her face.

Gu Shi Chu stepped forward. “Li Dan Yang,” she said warmly, “Congratulations! Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.”

Li Dan Yang’s head shot up at the sound of Gu Shi Chu’s voice. The blush drained from her face, her shy smile replaced by a stiff awkwardness. Guilt and embarrassment warred within her. 

“Th-thank you,” she stammered, unable to meet Gu Shi Chu’s eyes.

It was clear that Li Dan Yang felt deeply uncomfortable in Gu Shi Chu’s presence. Perhaps she felt like she’d stolen Gu Shi Chu’s ideal husband, and with him, the promise of future filial children. It was as if she’d snatched away the happiness that was meant for her.  

If Gu Shi Chu found out, wouldn’t she come looking for a fight? Only a guilty conscience could breed such paranoia.

Watching Li Dan Yang squirm, Gu Shi Chu understood her thoughts all too well. The truth was, she needn’t worry. Even if she hadn’t snagged Zhou Wei Guo, Gu Shi Chu wouldn’t have wanted him. How could a middle-aged widower compare to the youthful, handsome, and utterly captivating Ji Ming Tao?  Even if she were blind, her heart would choose Ji Ming Tao every time.

Li Dan Yang was blinded by the allure of the Zhou family, dreaming of wealth and status. But she failed to see the long, arduous road that lay ahead. The life of a stepmother, especially in those early years, was far from glamorous.

Gu Shi Chu’s memories painted a stark picture. Before Zhou Wei Guo’s rise to prominence, the original owner was little more than a glorified nanny, toiling tirelessly for the family, her days consumed by chores and responsibilities. By the time Zhou Wei Guo achieved success and his children climbed the ladder of success, she was a shadow of her former self, worn down by years of thankless labour, her health failing.

Zhou Wei Guo, meanwhile, grew tired of his haggard wife, seeking solace in the arms of younger, more beautiful mistresses. His children, caught up in their own ambitions, felt little affection for the woman who had slaved away for them. They took her sacrifices for granted, their gratitude overshadowed by entitlement. 

In her twilight years, the original owner could expect nothing more than financial support for her medical needs. All she got was loneliness, isolation. The joy of a loving family – was a luxury beyond her reach.  Her stepchildren, for all their outward displays of filial piety, would consider themselves benevolent for simply keeping a roof over her head.

The world might praise them for their generosity, commending their treatment of their stepmother. But Li Dan Yang, seduced by the carefully constructed facade, had mistaken the public performance for reality. The truth, hidden behind a veil of fabricated virtue, was far less appealing.

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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