ARC 2: Stepmother in the Seventies ✦ c71~116 (46)

✦ 22

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

“Let’s see if this fits,” She slipped out of her pyjamas, intending to try it on. 

Ji Ming Tao, caught off guard by her sudden undress, felt a familiar warmth creep up his neck. Though they’d shared countless moments of casual intimacy, witnessing this simple action still sent a flush across his face.

However, his fluster was replaced by concern as his gaze landed on Gu Shi Chu’s shoulder. A red, swollen patch marred the smooth skin.

“What happened?” He gently reached out, brushing a finger over the inflamed area. “Are you hurt?”

“Ouch!” Gu Shi Chu exclaimed, glancing at the angry mark. “Seems I overdid it at the market today. Carried a mountain of stuff back, and my shoulder decided to protest. It’ll be fine, just a bit of swelling.”

Ji Ming Tao frowned. Her casualness grated on him, sparking a flicker of annoyance. “You could get an infection! Put your clothes back on. We’re going to see the village doctor.”

Gu Shi Chu scoffed playfully. “It’s nothing, really. Just my delicate skin being dramatic. A little swelling, nothing a few days of rest can’t fix.”

Ji Ming Tao’s frown deepened. “Rest? You’re acting like it’s a mosquito bite! What if it leaves a scar?”

A soft smile tugged at Gu Shi Chu’s lips. “It doesn’t hurt much. Besides, who cares about a little scar, right? Unless, of course, it makes Brother Ji dislike me?”

Ji Ming Tao’s gaze turned serious. “Don’t be silly. Your body is yours, and it’s your responsibility to take care of it. Nobody else can do that for you.”

“So you do care,” Gu Shi Chu teased, a playful glint in her eyes. “I never knew Brother Ji had such a caring side. Since you put it that way, I guess I can’t ignore this little injury. But speaking of medicine, I seem to be out.”

Heat crept up Ji Ming Tao’s neck at the way she lingered on “Brother Ji.” He cleared his throat, averting his gaze. “I have some at home. But you should still see the doctor for a proper check-up.”

“Nah, your medicine is probably better than anything the village doctor has,” Gu Shi Chu countered with a mischievous grin. “Besides, I trust yours more.”

A small smile tugged at the corner of Ji Ming Tao’s lips. “Alright, alright. It is better,” he admitted. “I’ll go get it. Just stay here and rest.”

He disappeared into the house, leaving Gu Shi Chu with a triumphant smirk playing on her lips.

A sigh escaped Gu Shi Chu’s lips as she inspected the angry red mark on her shoulder. Sharing a bed with Ji Ming Tao, such a caring companion, was a stolen pleasure, she will be reluctant to part with him in the future!  

Pushing those thoughts aside, she grabbed the new clothes – better to try them on before the medicine came. After all, Ji Ming Tao knew her measurements by heart, guaranteeing a perfect fit.

Just as she slipped off the new garment, she heard Ji Ming Tao’s footsteps approaching. With practised ease, she discarded the clothes, and the door creaked open revealing him.

His gaze landed solely on her injured shoulder, a gentlemanly approach that made her smile. No lecherous glances, just pure focus on administering the medicine. 

As she watched him, the dim yellow light cast a warm glow on Ji Ming Tao’s features. His eyelashes, long and dark, lend an air of delicate refinement. The sharp lines of his jaw and prominent nose added a touch of masculine charm.

He was captivating, a vision under the lamplight. A primal urge surged through Gu Shi Chu, a desire to pull him close, than down on the bed beneath her. But exhaustion, a dull ache in her shoulder, and a sudden wave of fatigue dampened the fire. All she could do was admire him silently.

“All done,” his voice, smooth and deep like a cello, broke the spell. He leaned closer, his breath tickling her ear. “Remember, no water on the wound for a few days. Lighter tasks at work, nothing strenuous. Don’t aggravate it.”

Gu Shi Chu, a playful glint in her eyes, teased, “Thank you, Brother Ji. Perhaps you could stay and make sure I follow doctor’s orders?”

Ji Ming Tao, ignoring her playful suggestion, picked up her nightgown. With gentle movements, like a maid tending to his mistress, he helped her put it on.

A light chuckle escaped Gu Shi Chu’s lips.

“What’s so funny?” Ji Ming Tao inquired, a touch of exasperation in his voice. Her sudden laughter fueled his confusion.

“My, my,” she chuckled, “you’ve certainly improved. Not only can you undress me with surprising skill, but you now possess the delicate touch to dress me as well. I remember your fumbling attempts the first time…”

Ji Ming Tao, a blush creeping up his neck, barked, “Shut up!”

The audacity of Gu Shi Chu to tease him about such a thing, even within the privacy of their room, left him flustered.

The first time their skin touched, it was a fumbled attempt at intimacy. Outwardly, he had seemed composed, as though everything was under his control. Yet, in reality, he was a bundle of nerves, clumsily fumbling with the buttons on Gu Shi Chu’s shirt in the dim light, unable to find them. It was only when she effortlessly removed her shirt herself that he realised it had no buttons.

Gu Shi Chu’s laughter, bright and unrestrained, had nearly shattered the mood. The memory still brought a flush to his cheeks, even as he tried to mask his embarrassment under a gruff exterior.

Sensing his discomfort, Gu Shi Chu quickly surrendered. “Alright, alright, Brother Ji. No more teasing the big bad wolf.”

Ji Ming Tao, face burning, shot her a fleeting glance before tossing a flashlight on the bed. “Here. Use it. Tell me if the batteries die.”

Gu Shi Chu’s eyes widened. These flashlights, hot commodities on the black market thanks to Ji Ming Tao’s daytime endeavours, were rare finds in the village.  

“But these are expensive! No one else has one. Are you sure you want to give this to me?”  The thought of him keeping a black-market item solely for her warmed her heart.

Ji Ming Tao shrugged, the nonchalance poorly masking his reddening ears. “Less trouble for you. No more fumbling in the dark on your way to see me.”

Understanding dawned on Gu Shi Chu. This was to make it easier for her to find him at night. Men!

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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