ARC 2: Stepmother in the Seventies ✦ c71~116 (46)

✦ 31

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

The concern etched on Gu Shi Chu’s face deepened as she examined Ji Ming Tao’s injury. It wasn’t life-threatening, but the gash looked nasty, especially after wiping off some of the blood.

“Come on, you need to get cleaned up. My place has hot water. We’ll take care of that wound properly.” she said, pulling him back to her home.

Ji Ming Tao, despite the throbbing pain, couldn’t help but grin. His little act of getting “injured” while helping the village seemed to be working. Here he was, being ushered into Gu Shi Chu’s house, a rare treat since she was usually so wary of public displays.

“Alright,” he mumbled, letting her guide him back. 

Ji Ming Tao’s home, a bachelor’s pad by all accounts, lacked even the basic comforts. Boiling water for even a simple drink required effort, let alone proper wound care. 

Seeing his predicament, a flicker of something that might have been pity crossed Gu Shi Chu’s heart. Maybe it was sympathy for the man who’d been injured helping the village?

Lost in thought about what she could whip up for dinner, she completely missed the smug satisfaction radiating from Ji Ming Tao. To him, this small “injury” was a win – a chance to be pampered by Gu Shi Chu, even if it came with a side of her usual stoicism.

As Gu Shi Chu prepped the hot water and started cooking, she instructed Ji Ming Tao to bathe. Soon, the enticing aroma of cooking wafted through the room, followed by Ji Ming Tao emerging from the bath. Shirtless, his injury exposed for treatment, he sank gratefully onto a chair Gu Shi Chu had set out for him.

She grabbed the ointment and began applying it to the wound, her expression focused. The exposed flesh, now a bit pinker after the bath, looked raw. Yet, Gu Shi Chu worked with practised efficiency, unfazed by the sight.

“Hiss,” Ji Ming Tao winced involuntarily, a grimace playing across his features.

“Hurts, does it? Well, maybe next time you won’t be so eager to get yourself hurt playing hero,” Gu Shi Chu said dryly, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Ji Ming Tao, sensing her disapproval, simply pursed his lips and remained silent. He might have been injured, but he wasn’t about to push his luck any further. 

With the dressing of the wound complete, Gu Shi Chu simply instructed him to eat and rest, her gaze devoid of any lingering appreciation for his physique, much to Ji Ming Tao’s secret disappointment.

“You rest here. I’ll grab our share of the bear meat,” Gu Shi Chu said, grabbing a basket and heading out the door.

Reaching the grain drying field, the air thrummed with activity. The wild bear lay slain, surrounded by women diligently cleaning its organs. The meat distribution wouldn’t be long.

Gu Shi Chu approached the village chief, her voice carrying a casual authority. “Village Chief, could I take Ji Ming Tao’s portion as well? He’s nursing an injury at home.”

There was no hidden meaning in her words, just a straightforward explanation. The villagers, used to seeing them help each other out, simply assumed neighbourly kindness.

The village chief grinned. “Makes sense. Got a few extra pounds for him considering his bravery facing that beast.” He hefted a larger portion towards Gu Shi Chu.

No whispers or objections arose. Everyone understood – facing a bear required courage, and injuries demanded a reward. Other successful hunters received similar bonuses, and families with injured men were given even more. Here, fairness wasn’t about equal portions, but about recognizing effort and sacrifice.

Gu Shi Chu made her way back, the basket laden with meat. On her way, she encountered Li Dan Yang, her arms overflowing – a child clinging to her front, another strapped to her back, and a basket dangling precariously from her hand.

“Goodness, aren’t your hands full?” blurted Gu Shi Chu. “Those little ones are three now, surely they can walk a bit?”

Li Dan Yang, startled by the question and relieved it was only Gu Shi Chu, tightened her grip on the front child. 

Her gaze darted away. “Not really. Used to it.” 

Gu Shi Chu felt a pang of sympathy. She wanted to offer words of comfort, but she knew it would be misconstrued. She couldn’t possibly say one shouldn’t spoil children too much, could she? If she did, Li Dan Yang might think she was deliberately trying to provoke their mother-child relationship.

The boy behind Li Dan Yang suddenly pointed at Gu Shi Chu, “You naughty brat! I’m not walking by myself!” He extended his hand, as if to hit her.

Gu Shi Chu flinched, surprised by the outburst. Li Dan Yang, however, remained strangely passive. 

The little girl nestled in front, swaddled in cloth, mirrored the boy’s scowl, her voice high-pitched. “Bad woman! I want Li Dan Yang to carry me! I want Li Dan Yang to carry me!”

Gu Shi Chu felt a wave of shock. These children lacked any respect for Li Dan Yang. No “mother,” no “aunt,” just demands and tantrums towards a slave. Despite their age, they clung to Li Dan Yang like koala bears, their faces etched with a sense of entitlement that made Gu Shi Chu’s stomach churn.

As Li Dan Yang struggled to maintain her balance under the weight of their chaos, Gu Shi Chu reached out a steadying hand. 

“Li Dan Yang,” she began, concern lacing her voice, “can’t you discipline them a little? Their behaviour seems…” unruly wasn’t the right word, but it was the closest she could come up with.

Li Dan Yang offered a strained smile, a hint of bitterness in her eyes. “It’s difficult. If I raise my voice, their Grandmother will turn on me.”

Gu Shi Chu felt a pang of helplessness. Navigating the complex family dynamic of stepchildren, stepmother, and mother-in-law was far beyond her expertise. She usually just yeeted out of it instead of enduring it. After a brief, awkward exchange of pleasantries, she opted to take her leave.

Watching Gu Shi Chu’s graceful departure with the basket of meat, Li Dan Yang couldn’t help but admire the other woman’s slender figure and radiant glow. It was clear Gu Shi Chu lived a comfortable life, a young woman content with her lot.

A twisted mixture of envy and a strange wistfulness bubbled within Li Dan Yang. Would Gu Shi Chu, had she married Zhou Wei Guo in this life, still be this carefree? She tried to recall Gu Shi Chu’s fate after marrying into the Zhou family in her past life, wondering if Li Dan Yang mirrored that fate now, but the memory remained a blur.

Regret gnawed at the edges of her conscience. Did she regret snatching the marriage proposal from Gu Shi Chu all those years ago? Perhaps, but admitting it was a luxury she couldn’t afford.

“Li Dan Yang! Stop dawdling! I’m telling Grandma!” A sharp slap landed on her shoulder, the voice belonging to the younger boy.

The harsh reality snapped Li Dan Yang back to the present. She turned, the weight of two unruly three-year-olds threatening to pull her down. Exhaustion gnawed at her. How could these children, destined for such greatness in the future, be so unbearable now? It felt like years had been condensed into a single maddening afternoon. In that moment, a grudging respect blossomed for the Gu Shi Chu of her past life. How had she endured it all?

Endurance was all she had. Endure until they grew up. It was a mantra she silently repeated as she entered the Zhou household, the hefty portion of meat adding to the burden she carried.

“Since I’m carrying the meat,” she said to Zhou Jian Ying, her voice laced with a hint of forced cheer, “I can’t carry you today. Can you walk home yourself?”

Zhou Jian Ying, oblivious to her plight, shook his head vigorously. “No! I want you to carry me! I want you to carry me!” His tiny foot lashed out, connecting with her shin in a tantrum.

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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