ARC 2: Stepmother in the Seventies ✦ c71~116 (46)

✦ 37

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

“Shi Chu,” Zhang Wei Hong’s voice trailed off, her gaze lost as she looked outside. “My name isn’t on the Workers’, Peasants’, and Soldiers’ University list again this year. Should I keep holding on?”

Gu Shi Chu studied her friend, once so full of ideals upon arriving in the countryside, now increasingly withdrawn and uncertain. 

“Are you truly ready to give up?” she asked gently. “After all this time, all the studying? Become a farmer like everyone else? Are you truly happy with that? Think of it this way, You haven’t used this time in vain. You’ve built a strong foundation. Keep studying, keep reviewing. There’s still hope! But if you give up, there’s no chance left. So why not continue? Remember the dreams you once shared with me?”

Gu Shi Chu’s encouragement stemmed from her knowledge that the college entrance examination would resume in a few months. Without this information, she wouldn’t have dared to advise Zhang Wei Hong in such a manner.

Zhang Wei Hong’s eyes flickered with renewed hope. She sighed, a bittersweet smile gracing her lips. “Thank you for reminding me. I was on the verge of forgetting my own dreams.

But I’m not getting any younger, Shi Chu. Most girls my age are already married, either to someone from the village or to another educated youth. I’ve held out this long without even considering relationships. It’s hard.”

Gu Shi Chu hadn’t considered this societal pressure. Most girls were indeed married by their early twenties, and remaining single invited gossip, even for city-educated youth. Zhang Wei Hong’s words revealed her anxieties and concerns.

“You’re still young, barely in your twenties! What’s there to fear? I’m two years older and unmarried, and I’ve faced my share of rumours. But I don’t let them bother me. Stay true to yourself and don’t worry about what others think, or you’ll exhaust yourself,” Gu Shi Chu said earnestly.

Zhang Wei Hong had been a vibrant, carefree spirit when she first arrived in the village. Now, years of hardship had tempered her into someone hesitant and anxious. Yet, Gu Shi Chu’s words seemed to chip away at that anxiety, a flicker of her old self returning.

Zhang Wei Hong’s mood indeed improved upon hearing Gu Shi Chu’s words. “You’re really broad-minded. I was wrong to worry.”

After a pause, she lowered her voice and confessed, “Actually, two men have been pursuing me. After not making it into the university this time, I was ready to accept my fate, give up on college, and marry one of them.

But thanks to you, I’ve changed my mind. I’ll refuse them both.”

Gu Shi Chu’s curiosity piqued. “Who are these two men?” she asked eagerly. “Tell me, so I can judge if they’re worthy of you!”

Blushing, Zhang Wei Hong scolded, “Worthy? I’ve already told you I’m not interested!”

“Oh, come on,” Gu Shi Chu coaxed, eager for the juicy details. “It’s not like I’m asking you to choose one. Just tell me!”

Zhang Wei Hong was fair and lovely, literate and cultured, from a decent urban family, well-off, and doted on by her family. It would have been strange if no man fancied her. In fact, since Zhang Wei Hong arrived, whether it was the young men in the village or the male educated youth from the city, they all liked her. Many were interested in her, but she just didn’t focus on finding a partner.

After much prodding from Gu Shi Chu, Zhang Wei Hong finally revealed, “One is Zhou Man Cang, the village branch secretary’s son. The other is Dong Zhi Cai, an educated youth from Qingyu City.”

Gu Shi Chu pondered the two candidates. Zhou Man Cang’s father held a prominent position in the village, making their family one of the most prosperous. Zhou himself was tall and strong, seemingly a catch for any young woman in the area. However, his lack of education meant he and Zhang Wei Hong, with her thirst for knowledge and progress, might not have much in common. He wasn’t the most suitable match for her.

Dong Zhi Cai, on the other hand, wore glasses and projected an air of refinement, but he was often careless in his work. He could barely make ends meet and had a habit of boasting about his talents and knowledge to the villagers and fellow educated youth.

Even Gu Shi Chu could see through his facade. He was all talk and no action, with lofty ambitions that didn’t match his actual abilities. In short, he had big dreams but little talent, making him an unsuitable match for Zhang Wei Hong as well.

“You’re not interested in either of them, are you?” Gu Shi Chu asked quickly.

Zhang Wei Hong shook her head. “No.”

Gu Shi Chu let out a relieved sigh. “Good. That Zhou Man Cang, while handsome and from a well-off family, wouldn’t share your interests. And Dong Zhi Cai?” she chuckled, “All talk and no trousers, that one.”

Zhang Wei Hong giggled. “Exactly! But,” her smile faded a touch, “my parents wrote, worried about me being alone in the village. They’ll come visit to meet potential suitors if I find any. Otherwise, they’re threatening to drag me back to the city and find someone there.” A blush crept up her cheeks.

“Your parents are the best.”

“Absolutely,” Zhang Wei Hong said with a puff of pride.

“But they needn’t worry just yet,” Gu Shi Chu leaned closer, her voice now a whisper, “when I went to the county town last time, I overheard some high school teachers talking. They think the college entrance exam might be reinstated by the end of the year!”

Zhang Wei Hong’s eyes widened like saucers. Her grip tightened on Gu Shi Chu’s arm. “Really? Are you sure you’re not pulling my leg?”

Holding her breath, she stared at Gu Shi Chu, a mix of hope and disbelief flickering in her eyes.

Gu Shi Chu gave her a reassuring nod. “Ninety percent sure. It’s just a rumour among those with connections, but an official announcement is likely coming soon.”

Tears welled up in Zhang Wei Hong’s eyes. She covered her mouth, overcome with emotion. “This is… this is incredible! I thought I’d never see that day again. Thank you, Shi Chu, thank you for telling me.”

Zhang Wei Hong was overwhelmed with gratitude. It would have been easy to keep this news close, to have one less competitor in a potentially brutal exam. The college entrance exam hadn’t happened for almost ten years!  This was a chance for millions, tens of millions, to chase their dreams – including both of them. With one less formidable opponent, Gu Shi Chu’s own chances would undoubtedly improve.

But here she was, sharing this information freely, giving Zhang Wei Hong a head start. How could she not be touched?

She embraced her friend tightly, tears of joy streaming down her face.

Gu Shi Chu patted Zhang Wei Hong’s back, understanding the depth of her emotions. “No need to thank me,” she said, her voice warm and comforting. “Besides, didn’t you help me with a lot of subjects for review? I’m just returning the favour.”

She paused for a moment, her expression growing more serious. “But since the news hasn’t been officially announced yet, we can’t shout it from the rooftops. But hey, a little village rumour never hurt anyone, right? Especially if it gets others in the village thinking about studying for the exam. Imagine, everyone scrambling to brush up their knowledge!”

Zhang Wei Hong nodded, tears of joy still streaming down her face. “Okay!”

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. Yes, I once watched a documentary about Vegetable deserts in several countries, including the United States. These are places that…

  2. ”safety first, flirting later” our SC has her priorities set straight! thank you for the chapters!

  3. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

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