ARC 2: Stepmother in the Seventies ✦ c71~116 (46)

✦ 38

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

The news of the college entrance examination’s return spread through the village like a whisper on the wind. It was a secret shared only among the educated youth and a handful of literate villagers, a spark igniting hope in their hearts.  

The educated youth, regardless of their marital status, buzzed with excitement.  The rumour, once a whisper, became a fire, driving them to seek confirmation. Letters flew to families, newspapers and magazines were devoured, whispers turned to hushed conversations in the bookstore and post office. The more they searched, the more the truth solidified, and with it, the dream of a future beyond the fields.

Textbooks and review materials became the most sought-after treasures. Zhang Wei Hong’s junior and senior high school books were passed from hand to hand, copied and shared with eager generosity. 

The official announcement arrived like a thunderclap, shattering the quietude of the village. Tears streamed down the faces of the educated youth, a mixture of joy, relief, and the release of years of pent-up longing. They embraced, cried, laughed, and shouted, some even falling to their knees, pounding the earth with raw emotion, expressing the years of confusion, pain, and despair they had carried.  

Their wait was finally over.

Zhang Wei Hong burst into Gu Shi Chu’s house, throwing her arms around her friend in a wordless embrace, her body trembling with unrestrained emotion.  Gu Shi Chu, after a moment, gently pushed her away, understanding the storm of feelings that had been unleashed.

“I’m sorry,” Zhang Wei Hong said, wiping away her tears, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “I’m just so excited.”

“I know,” Gu Shi Chu smiled, her own heart echoing the sentiment.  They had both waited for this day.

“You’re going to take the exam too, right? We should study together,” Zhang Wei Hong suggested, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

“Of course,” Gu Shi Chu agreed, her smile widening.

From then on, Zhang Wei Hong made her way to Gu Shi Chu’s house every day, the quiet of the mud house providing the perfect haven for their shared pursuit of a brighter future.

The other educated youth, fueled by a renewed sense of purpose, dove headfirst into their studies, their work hours shrinking as they devoured textbooks and review materials. The brigade leader, recognizing the potential for both personal and village-wide glory, didn’t discourage their efforts, instead assigning them lighter tasks to prevent exhaustion.

Ji Ming Tao watched Gu Shi Chu, her days a blur of books and notes, and remembered the years she had spent poring over junior high and high school courses with Zhang Wei Hong, never once letting her guard down. She had once mentioned her desire to leave the village should the chance arise. This led him to wonder if she had somehow anticipated the restoration of the college entrance examination, seeing it as her ticket out.

Yet, he quickly dismissed the thought. Unless she possessed the gift of foresight, it was impossible. He chided himself for his wild speculation, unaware of Gu Shi Chu’s keen understanding of the historical trajectory.

“The opportunity you mentioned to leave the village… is it about the college entrance exam?” he asked.

Gu Shi Chu, lost in a textbook, lazily nodded. “Yes.  We’ll be done soon,” she replied, her tone matter-of-fact.

She shifted, resting against Ji Ming Tao’s chest, her fingers tracing the contours of his face—eyes, nose, lips, chin.  

“I’ll miss you,” she sighed, her voice tinged with regret.

A man like him, who understood her and didn’t meddle in her affairs, who was willing to maintain a discreet relationship, was a rare find.

Ji Ming Tao’s eyes darkened as he captured her hand, which was wandering across his chest. “Which city, which university are you planning to apply for?”

Gu Shi Chu chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “You’re already assuming I’ll pass?  Asking me about my plans?”

“You think you won’t?” 

“Of course I will!” she declared, her confidence unwavering. “I’m aiming for the best, naturally. Splendor University in the capital.”

Ji Ming Tao nodded, a thoughtful expression settling on his face. “I see.”

Gu Shi Chu, assuming his questions were idle curiosity, gave it little thought. She continued to immerse herself in her studies, her eyes focused on the future that lay beyond the village.

The day of the exam arrived, and a nervous energy crackled in the air. Gu Shi Chu, Zhang Wei Hong, and a handful of others from the village piled into a rickety bus bound for the city, the weight of anticipation settling on their shoulders.

Whispers and murmurs filled the bus as everyone clutched well-worn textbooks and scribbled notes. Gu Shi Chu, however, stood out. The villagers, used to seeing her work tirelessly around the fields, were surprised to find her among the test-takers. But anxieties ran high, and soon, everyone was consumed by their own last-minute cramming.

Stepping into the exam hall, Gu Shi Chu felt a wave of calm wash over her. Scanning the test questions, a confident smile touched her lips. The material felt familiar, a breeze compared to the challenges she’d faced in the capital. Relief mixed with a tinge of sadness – these questions wouldn’t pose much of a hurdle, solidifying her decision to leave for the city.

Around her, emotions ran the gamut. Some students tackled the questions with laser focus, while others, overwhelmed, buried their faces in their hands, tears threatening to spill. Gu Shi Chu, head bent over the paper, meticulously worked her way through the exam, her focus unwavering.

Once the final bell tolled, a flurry of nervous excitement filled the room as classmates compared answers. Whispers of relief and groans of disappointment rippled through the air. 

Zhang Wei Hong, anxious, sought out Gu Shi Chu, finding her characteristically relaxed.

“Shi Chu, aren’t you even a little worried?” Zhang Wei Hong asked, her voice laced with concern. “We can compare our answers if you want.”

Gu Shi Chu shook her head with a small smile. “Worrying won’t change anything now. Besides, stressing won’t add points to my score.”

Zhang Wei Hong sighed, a touch of envy colouring her tone. You really are something else, so calm and collected.” Turning back to her classmates, she eagerly joined the answer-checking frenzy.

Back in the village, a buzz of curiosity greeted their return. Villagers, eager for news, bombarded them with questions. Among them was a surprised gasp when they spotted Gu Shi Chu.

“Gu Shi Chu? You too? But… how?” the woman stammered, disbelief etched on her face.

Gu Shi Chu met her gaze calmly. “Yes, I decided to take the exam as well.”

The woman’s scepticism deepened. “You? But how many years of school have you had? You didn’t just turn in a blank paper, did you?”

“I finished junior high, and Zhang Wei Hong helped me catch up on high school material,” Gu Shi Chu explained patiently. “This is the first year they’ve reinstated the college entrance exam, so the difficulty shouldn’t be too high. Maybe I’ll get lucky!”

The woman pondered this for a moment. “True, this is the first year back. Maybe it won’t be that hard… Oh, if only I’d known! My sons could have taken it too! Imagine, a college student in the family!” She smacked her thigh in mock despair.

Gu Shi Chu offered a faint smile. While it was true the first exam wouldn’t be impossibly difficult, the sheer number of students taking it after a ten-year hiatus would make it incredibly competitive.

A chorus of laughter erupted from the villagers around her. “Fourth Li’s daughter-in-law,” one of them chuckled, “your sons haven’t even finished second grade yet! Taking the college entrance exam? That’s a good one!”

The woman, flustered, puffed out her chest. “Hey, my boys are smart! Remember last time when the brigade leader messed up the points and eldest caught it? They’ve got brains, I tell you!”

Laughter erupted, a moment of light-heartedness amidst the weight of their collective endeavour.

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. Yes, I once watched a documentary about Vegetable deserts in several countries, including the United States. These are places that…

  2. ”safety first, flirting later” our SC has her priorities set straight! thank you for the chapters!

  3. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

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