ARC 3: The General Got His Second Chance in Love c117~150 (34)

✦ 9

Translator: InkyDragon (https://inkydragontranslation.wordpress.com)

Five clay jars stood in a row on the table before Liu Shi Chu, their lids cast aside. With a flourish, she dipped a small ladle into each, swirling their contents into a single waiting glass. Red kissed light pink, mingled with pale yellow and light blue, the final translucent layer creating a concoction as dreamlike as the haze rising from a summer pond. 

A squeeze of lemon, its tartness a counterpoint to the sweet bouquet, and she lifted the glass, swirling the mixture with a practised hand. 

“Lady Liu,” a voice interrupted, curious, “what strange brew is that? Such a mix of colours, what will it taste like?”

“Even I don’t know for sure,” she laughed, lifting the glass to her lips. “A taste of the unknown, perhaps a thrilling one?” 

The first sip was a revelation. Heat bloomed on her tongue, a pleasant fire that danced down her throat. Then came a tingling, like a thousand tiny sprites tap-dancing on her palate. A whisper of spice lingered, chased by a minty clarity and the lingering tang of citrus.

“Not bad at all,” she murmured, eyes closed, savouring the symphony of flavours. This exhilarating elixir would surely entice the young gentlemen, always eager for something novel.

“Delicious?” The curious customer leaned closer, his interest piqued. “Let me have a taste!”

With a nod, she signalled for another glass, her hands moving gracefully as she recreated the colourful concoction. 

The customer snatched the glass, impatience getting the better of him. 

A shudder ran through his body as the liquid hit his tongue, his face blossoming into a vibrant shade of crimson.

“Invigorating!” he sputtered, then drained the glass in a single gulp. “Truly refreshing!”

Just then, a young man sauntered in, fanning himself leisurely. “Old Wu,” he chuckled, eyeing the empty glass with amusement, “what magic potion has you so enchanted?”

  • (“老吴 (Lǎo Wú)” – This is a common Chinese name format, where “老 (lǎo)” means “old” or can be used as an honorific before someone’s surname)

Old Wu, having nearly drained his glass in one enthusiastic gulp, paused at his friend’s teasing, savouring the lingering warmth. 

“Don’t take my word for it, Yang Sheng,” he declared, “try it yourself! This isn’t mere boasting – the flavour, the invigorating kick, it’s something else!”

Yang Sheng, witnessing such fervent praise, turned to Liu Shi Chu. “In that case, Boss, a whole barrel of whatever he’s having!”

She chuckled, shaking her head. “He’s not drinking just one, but a blend of several. Freshly mixed here at the bar. Perhaps a taste first?”

“Several?” Yang Sheng hesitated, brow furrowed. “Can you even drink that? Won’t it be dreadful?”

“Dreadful? Quite the opposite!” Old Wu interjected before Liu Shi Chu could respond. “A revelation, I tell you! Never tasted anything like it, and now I can’t get enough. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”

His curiosity piqued, Yang Sheng relented. “Alright, alright, if you insist.”

With a deft hand, she assembled the new cocktail, presenting it to him with a flourish. 

One sip, and Yang Sheng fell silent, his conversation forgotten as he explored the novel, exhilarating flavours dancing on his tongue. 

Their enthusiasm did not go unnoticed. As they savoured their drinks, Liu Shi Chu carefully recorded the recipe, committing the precise proportions to memory. This was a concoction worth remembering.

“We shall call it ‘Rainbow Blend’,” she declared, gazing at the beautiful layers of colour swirling within the glass. “A blend of five, like a rainbow captured in a cup.”

  • (五彩缤纷 all the colours in profusion (idiom); a garish display)

“Rainbow Blend!” Yang Sheng exclaimed, “Perfect! Boss, another round!”

Their enjoyment proved infectious. Other patrons, drawn by the spectacle and the animated reactions at the bar, edged closer, curiosity piqued. Soon, a chorus of voices rose, eager to experience the magic of the “Rainbow Blend” for themselves.

People, who are easily swayed by the crowd, often find themselves following the latest trend. So, it was that when Yang Sheng and Old Wu developed a taste for “Rainbow Blend,” their enthusiasm proved infectious. Soon, the tavern buzzed with patrons eager to sample the novel mixed wine.

Liu Shi Chu, determined to make her mark with unique alcoholic beverages, was more than happy to oblige. Word of mouth, after all, was the sweetest nectar for a budding entrepreneur.

“Excellent wine!” boomed a voice after the first sip. “Why haven’t I encountered such a blend before?”

“The flavour is truly unique,” another patron marvelled, cradling their cup.

“Rich, spicy, refreshing,” a grey-bearded man chimed in, his eyes narrowed in appreciation, “with a hint of lemon… simply marvellous! I’ve never tasted anything quite like it!”

Liu Shi Chu beamed, her heart swelling with pride as her customers delighted in her creation. The success of “Rainbow Blend” only strengthened her resolve to explore the world of cocktails.

As anticipated, the drink’s reputation soon spread throughout the capital, drawing in curious crowds and packing her tavern to the rafters.

Ever-prepared, Liu Shi Chu had trained several assistants in the art of mixing “Rainbow Blend,” ensuring they could meet the burgeoning demand.

One afternoon, Liu Jian burst into her courtyard, his eyes bright with excitement. “Chu’er,” he exclaimed, “how did you come up with this blend? The taste is superb!” Without missing a beat, he requested his sister mix him a “Rainbow Blend.”

Liu Shi Chu, however, was immune to his charms. “Trying to sweet-talk your way into a drink, brother? Nice try. Besides,” she added, “this blend is stronger than usual. You’ll be under the table in no time. I’m not mixing it for you.”

Liu Jian’s shoulders slumped, his cunning plan foiled. “I only indulge occasionally,” he whined. “Can’t you even offer your own brother a drink?”

“Don’t play coy,” Liu Shi Chu retorted, her patience wearing thin. “My assistants told me you’ve been here almost every other day for the past fortnight, each time with a gaggle of colleagues in tow. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

Liu Jian rubbed his nose sheepishly. “Those assistants of yours have sharp eyes,” he conceded with a sigh, shooting his sister a mock-wounded look.

“Overpraise, brother, overpraise,” she chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

As her tavern flourished, cocktails became all the rage in the capital. For some, her establishment became a second home, a place to indulge in their favourite pastime. Others, swept up in the excitement, found themselves tempted by the allure of the novel brews.

The number of merrymakers in the capital, as a consequence, saw a marked increase. The constables, faced with this surge in public merriment, were forced to increase patrols near the tavern.

  • (酒鬼 (jiǔguǐ): Literally “alcohol ghost,” colloquially used to refer to someone addicted to alcohol, an alcoholic.
  • 捕快 (bǔkuài): A constable or police officer in ancient China.)

But Liu Shi Chu, ever the astute businesswoman, had foreseen the possibility of boisterous patrons. A contingent of sturdy guards, hired for just such occasions, ensured that any overindulgent customer could be swiftly and efficiently dealt with.

  • (护卫 (hùwèi): Guards or escorts, individuals responsible for protection or security.)

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

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  1. I cant wait for the next chapters. So exciting.

  2. I love nature (not that I would actually go out into the wild, but it’s a lot more calming, especially…

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