AFPoFH ARC9 ☆ c143

 Flying to Someone Else’s Bed To Save You

Translator: InkyDragon (

Word count: 3k

A quick glance at the clock sent a shiver down Yu Xiao’s spine. Half past two in the morning. Was THIS really the time for a phone call?  

Wang Dong Dong, seemingly unfazed by the ungodly hour, punched in a number. The first attempt was met with the soul-crushing monotone of an automated message – “The number you have dialled is currently switched off.”  His face fell, but only for a moment.  He tried again. 

This time, success! Yu Xiao could faintly hear a gruff voice on the other end, “What?”

Relief washed over Wang Dong Dong.  For someone who’d spent as much time in the Second Hospital as he had, his contact list was looking pretty grim these days.  

“There’s something I need to discuss,” he began, “Yesterday, I brought someone out from a instance…”

“Hold on, what?!” The voice on the other end crackled with alarm. “Did you just say you brought a GHOST out?!”

“No, no, not a ghost, a person!” Wang Dong Dong quickly clarified before launching into a breathless explanation of Yu Xiao’s predicament. “So, do you have any way to get her safely to Yu Qing Lang’s ward?”

A disbelieving scoff echoed from the phone. “Sure, In your dreams, pal. In your dreams.”

Yu Xiao’s heart sank, but Wang Dong Dong was undeterred.  He continued to work his way down his contact list, waking up every soul (still living, and not stuck in a copy) that he knew.  Most were less than thrilled to be roused at this hour, which Yu Xiao couldn’t really blame them for. Seriously, who enjoys a 3 am wake-up call? 

Finally, he got through to someone.

“Ah Fei,” he said, his voice taking on an uncharacteristically serious tone. “There’s something I need to ask you.”

“Whoa, there, Dong Dong,” a cheerful voice replied. “Why so formal? You’re freaking me out, man.”

“I brought someone out from a copy,” Wang Dong Dong stated.

A beat of silence.  Then, “And you want me to save your butt, right?”

“Not me,” Wang Dong Dong corrected, patiently rehashing the situation for what felt like the hundredth time that night. “Is there ANY way you can make sure she reaches Yu Qing Lang’s ward safely? If you can’t do it, we’re fresh out of options.”

Another pause, this one heavier than the last. “Yeah, that’s… that’s a tough one. Even a fresh ghost can’t come back from out there, let alone a living person.”

Wang Dong Dong sighed, casting a worried glance at Yu Xiao.

“But,” the voice continued, “I kinda like this kid. Young, loyal… reminds me of myself, back in the day.  Tell you what, I’ll help her.”

Wang Dong Dong’s face lit up. “Really? How?”

“Haven’t figured that part out yet.”

The light in Wang Dong Dong’s eyes flickered and died. “We’re kind of on a clock here, you know?”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.  Brain’s a bit fried right now, not exactly firing on all cylinders.  Look, tell you what, I’ll have an answer for you by tomorrow afternoon. How’s that sound?”

“Alright,” Wang Dong Dong said, clinging to this sliver of hope. “But don’t forget about us!”

The line went dead. Yu Xiao, unable to contain her curiosity any longer, piped up, “Who was that? He sounded… capable. Do you think he can actually do it?”

“Yeah,” Wang Dong Dong said, a slow grin spreading across his face. “I think you might have heard of him.”

“Really?” Yu Xiao’s eyebrows shot up, scepticism tingling her voice. 

Wang Dong Dong chuckled, pouring himself a steaming cup of hot water. “His nickname? ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’.”

The words hung in the air for a moment before Yu Xiao practically leaped out of her skin. “You’re kidding! That ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’? The top dog of the Second Hospital?!”

“The one and only,” Wang Dong Dong confirmed with a grin, taking a long gulp of his drink. “Quite the character, that one. But good people, deep down. If anyone can pull this off, it’s him. You might… just might… make it to Yu Qinglang’s ward in one piece.” 

Despite his words, Wang Dong Dong’s tone lacked its usual confidence. Yu Xiao, her mind racing, latched onto the nickname. “If he’s ranked that high, shouldn’t he be even more susceptible to the yin energy? But he sounded completely normal on the phone, totally alert.” 

Wang Dong Dong’s expression turned serious. “And why do you think that is? Why would he be so wide awake at three in the morning?” 

Yu Xiao fell silent, a shiver running down her spine. 

“So now what?” she finally asked. “We just… wait?”

“First things first,” Wang Dong Dong said, “we sleep. You’re going to need your wits about you tomorrow.”

It was sound advice. Yu Xiao crawled back into bed and, this time, sleep came without the burden of nightmares. 

She woke to the saccharine sound of the eight o’clock chime, a groan escaping her lips as she opened her eyes. Wang Dong Dong was already up, two empty teacups on the table beside him and dark circles etched beneath his eyes.  

Yu Xiao lay in bed, a wave of weariness washing over her as the gentle strains of music filled the room. 

A sudden thought struck her. “Has that music ever changed?  In all the time you’ve been here?”

Wang Dong Dong grimaced as if he’d bitten into something sour. “Never. I’m about to climb the walls every time it comes on.”

Yu Xiao sighed, wondering how much longer she’d be subjected to this auditory torture. 

“A beautiful day begins now,” chirped the radio announcer. “And now for the morning news…”

Wang Dong Dong, noticing Yu Xiao’s expression, chuckled.  “Heard this one before, have you?”

“Oh yeah,” Yu Xiao groaned, sitting up in bed. A thought occurred to her. “If there are no shops here… how do you buy talismans and charms?” 

Wang Dong Dong pulled open a drawer and retrieved a brightly coloured flyer, tossing it onto the bed. “You call the number on this.” 

Yu Xiao picked up the flyer. It advertised a paper goods shop, its offerings crammed onto the page in a dizzying array. At the bottom, printed in bold red ink, was a phone number. It looked strangely old-fashioned, the kind you’d see on a hand-scrawled advertisement stuck to a telephone pole. 

“But what if you need to *sell* something?” Yu Xiao asked. “Isn’t that a hassle?”

“Same number,” Wang Dong Dong said with a shrug. “They’ll lowball  you, though.”

  • (In Chinese marketplaces, haggling and negotiating prices are common practices. The phrase “被压价” (be pressured on the price) reflects a typical scenario where sellers might have to accept lower offers. )

Even for someone accustomed to the hospital’s unique brand of capitalism, Yu Xiao was flabbergasted. 

“When I return, I’ll send you a smartphone,” Yu Xiao said. “Then you can buy and sell things in the Sixth Hospital marketplace.”

Wang Dong Dong, though not entirely grasping the concept, nodded enthusiastically. 

Around noon, Wang Dong Dong’s phone sprang to life. It was ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’ calling back.  Wang Dong Dong, practically vibrating with anticipation, snatched up the phone, his excitement eclipsing even Yu Xiao’s. 

“Brother!” he practically shouted into the receiver. “Did you work out a solution?”

“There’s a way,” came the reply. “Woke up with a brilliant idea, actually.  Only problem is, it needs a lot of manpower. Ask your little friend what she can offer as a reward.”

Wang Dong Dong shot Yu Xiao a questioning look. She didn’t hesitate. 

“I’m a skilled talisman maker,” she said. “High success rate. I can provide everyone with talismans. Plus, I’ve got a bunch of function cards I’m willing to part with.”

There was a pause on the other end. ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’ asked, “Anything else?”

“Uh…” Yu Xiao wracked her brain. Weren’t those offers good enough?  “How about,” she began tentatively, “a smartphone for each of you? With a registered account on the Sixth Hospital forum?”

The line crackled with excitement. “Deal!” 

Yu Xiao wiped a bead of sweat from her brow.  Beside her, Wang Dong Dong was practically bouncing off the walls. 

“So, what’s the plan?” he asked, speaking for both of them.

“Oh, it’s simple,” ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’ said breezily.  “If she goes out alone, she’s a beacon for trouble, right?  But if EVERY patient goes out, she blends right in. No one even bats an eyelid. She waltzes right into Yu Qing Lang’s ward, easy peasy.”

Wang Dong Dong stared at the phone, his jaw hanging slack. “Are you insane?”

“A little,” came the cheerful reply.

“If you’re going crazy, don’t drag everyone else down with you!” Wang Dong Dong sputtered. “Have you even thought this through?!”

“Of course I have,” ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’ said, his voice taking on a rare note of seriousness. “Look, everyone here is wound tighter than a drum. One of these days, they’re all gonna snap. This is their chance! Get out, let loose, blow off some steam. It’ll be therapeutic!” 

Yu Xiao and Wang Dong Dong exchanged a look of pure bewilderment. 

“Isn’t that… a tad dangerous?” Yu Xiao asked, her voice barely a whisper. 

“Ah, little one, I understand your concern,” ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’ said, his tone reassuring. “But you’re thinking like a Sixth Hospital newbie. We’re veterans here in the Second. If we all storm the gates, who’s really in danger?”

  • (老油条 (lǎo yóutiáo): “Old hands” or “old slickers.” This slang term describes someone experienced and street-smart, often used to indicate someone who knows how to handle tricky situations.)

Suddenly, it hit Yu Xiao like a bolt of lightning. This whole crazy scheme… it felt eerily familiar. And then she remembered. The mass patient breakout at the Second Hospital that had made the news a while back!  The one that had resulted in the three-headed dog director and the capture of the ringleader… 

“Absolutely not,” she said, shaking her head vehemently.  “Even if it’s not dangerous, it’s against the rules! We’ll be hauled off to the medical dispute office faster than you can say ‘malpractice’!”

A hearty laugh echoed from a nearby bed. “Smart cookie, I’ll give you that. But do you really think a seasoned veteran like myself hasn’t considered that?”

“Then what’s your solution?” Yu Xiao countered. 

Collective irresponsibility, my dear,” the voice said matter-of-factly. “In a big ol’ kerfuffle like this, they only go after the leader. And lucky for us, I’ve found the perfect patsy.”

  • (法不责众 : This is a Chinese idiom meaning “the law does not punish the masses,” often used to suggest that when many people are involved in wrongdoing, it’s difficult to hold them all accountable.
  • 替罪羔羊 (scapegoat): This is a direct translation of the idiom meaning someone who takes the blame for others, similar to its use in English.)

“Who?” Wang Dong Dong piped up, curiosity piqued. 

“Xiao Long, of course,” the voice replied. “Who better? Here’s the plan: you, young lady, transform into our dearly departed friend. Make a big show of storming out, get everyone riled up.  Once the coast is clear, you slip away. When they ask who started it, we all point the finger at Xiao Long. Case closed. Who’s gonna prosecute a dead guy?”

Yu Xiao couldn’t help but be impressed.  This old fox had it all figured out. 

The mention of Xiao Long, however, brought a shadow over Wang Dong Dong’s face. He quickly masked his emotions, forcing a smile. 

“Alright,” he said. “Let’s do it. Just let us know when it’s go time.”

Truth be told, a thrill of excitement coursed through Yu Xiao.  For the first time, she’d be stepping outside the ward, into the unknown. 

“Are you coming too?” she asked Wang Dong Dong. 

He nodded, his expression turning sombre. Once Yu Xiao left, he’d be completely alone. 

He knew many patients braved their instances solo, but the thought filled him with a chilling dread. He wasn’t sure he had that kind of strength in him. 

Yu Xiao saw the fear in his eyes. She hesitated for a moment, then spoke. 

“What if…” she began, choosing her words carefully, “what if someone took Xiao Long’s place? And stayed here in the Second Hospital?”

Wang Dong Dong’s head shot up. “You… you wouldn’t leave?”

“There’s someone I met in Time Hospital,” Yu Xiao explained. “She missed her chance to go back.  The only way she can leave is if she takes someone else’s place…”

She didn’t need to say more. Wang Dong Dong understood. 

He and Xiao Long had been through thick and thin.  The thought of someone taking his place… it didn’t sit well with him.  But the alternative, the suffocating loneliness…

“Let me think about it,” he finally said, his voice heavy with the weight of the decision. “I’ll give you an answer before you go into the instance.”

Yu Xiao nodded, respecting his need for time.  She wanted to give Ye Tao a fighting chance, but whether that chance came to pass… well, some things weren’t hers to control. 

Two hours later, a message from ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’ flashed across Wang Dong Dong’s phone. 

【  Showtime. 】 

A shared look passed between Yu Xiao and Wang Dong Dong. With a deep breath, Yu Xiao pulled out a wig and donned it, once again transforming into the likeness of Xiao Long.

They walked together to the ward door, a sense of nervous anticipation hanging in the air. As Wang Dong Dong reached for the handle, Yu Xiao stopped him.

“Wait,” she whispered, her voice barely audible above the unsettling silence of the hallway.  

“What?” Confusion flickered across Wang Dong Dong’s face. 

“I need to go first,” Yu Xiao insisted. 

He searched her eyes for a moment, a silent question passing between them. Then, with a slow nod, he stepped back.  Taking another deep breath, Yu Xiao gripped the door handle, a jolt of icy energy shooting up her arm. With a slow, deliberate push, she opened the door.

The hallway beyond was swallowed by an oppressive darkness, the air thick with an unnatural chill that sent shivers down her spine. It was a darkness that seemed to cling to her, whispering secrets she couldn’t understand. 

For a moment, she saw nothing but swirling shadows.  Then, slowly, her vision began to adjust. The black mist that veiled the hallway remained, but she could make out shapes – the looming outline of the opposite ward, the flickering glow of a strange light at the far corner. 

Footsteps echoed in the distance, drawing closer, their rhythm out of sync with any normal gait.  And then came the whispers – soft, sibilant murmurs, as if countless voices were conspiring just beyond the veil of darkness.

Yu Xiao steeled herself, drawing a deep breath before bellowing, “Hey, you ugly lot! ‘Little Dragon’ thinks you’re all a bunch of scaredy-cats! Watch as I beat the crap out of you!!”

A stunned silence fell over the hallway. It was so quiet, Yu Xiao could practically hear the blood rushing in her ears. 

And then… chaos.

Heavy footsteps pounded towards her from all directions, a cacophony of scrapes and thuds that sent her pulse racing. Her heart hammered against her ribs. Where were those promised reinforcements?! 

Just as she was starting to regret her life choices, doors along the corridor began to creak open, one after another. 

Out they poured – a motley crew of patients, tall and small, male and female, their features blurred and indistinct in the dim light.  

“Whoa!” someone exclaimed, their voice echoing strangely in the darkness. “Would you look at this crowd!”

“Hold on… that voice… Zhou Baby (周宝宝), is that you?”

“The one and only!  Hey, ‘Get Rich Quick’ (赶紧发财), is that you over there?”

“You bet your bottom dollar it is!”

In the blink of an eye, the hallway was transformed into a scene of utter pandemonium.  Footsteps pounded against linoleum, ghostly wails mingled with excited shouts, and the air crackled with a nervous energy that hadn’t been felt in that hospital since… well, probably ever. 

Seizing her chance amidst the chaos, Yu Xiao ducked low and sprinted towards Yu Qing Lang’s ward, a chorus of otherworldly sounds at her heels.

“Argh! There’s a giant octopus trying to trip me!” 

“Whose skull is this?! It’s staring at me!”

“Holy moly! The food cart is serving ACTUAL human souls!”

Yu Xiao, already struggling with blurry vision, found herself practically blind as she stumbled through the chaotic crowd, her arms wrapped protectively around her head.  One minute she’d bump into a wailing ghoul, the next she’d be flung into the bony embrace of a confused-looking ghost. It was a miracle she hadn’t completely lost her bearings.

Just as she was about to give in to despair, a strong hand grabbed hers, pulling her through the throng. 

“Where do you think you’re going, little lady?” a familiar voice chuckled. “Stick with me.”

Yu Xiao’s head snapped up, her eyes widening in surprise.  “‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’?”

“The one and only,” he said with a wink. 

She let herself be pulled along, squinting to get a better look at her rescuer. His long hair and bushy beard obscured most of his face, leaving only a pair of mischievous eyes twinkling in the dim light. 

Yu Xiao couldn’t help but think that, for a guy with such a scandalous nickname, he looked surprisingly… harmless.  

Finally, they reached a door. 

“This is it!” ‘Flying to Someone Else’s Bed’ shouted, his voice barely audible above the din. “Get inside, quick!”

Without waiting for a response, she hammered on the door, yelling, “Sister Qing Lang! It’s me! Open up!” 

Now, Yu Qing Lang had not been informed about this little mission. So, there she was, peacefully sleeping in her hospital bed when the sound of frantic knocking and a gruff male voice shouting ‘Sister’ jolted her awake. 

Her heart did a somersault. Why was everyone, dead or alive, calling her ‘Sister’ these days?

“I’m here, just like I promised!” the voice boomed from the other side. “Let me in!”

Promised?  A terrifying thought occurred to Yu Qing Lang. “Yu… Yu Xiao?”

“That’s right! Open up!”

 ─── ❖ ── ── ❖ ───

( )………( )


Please check out my other translations~!

One response to “AFPoFH ARC9 ☆ c143”

  1. Emily Wen Avatar

    lmaooo this might be my favorite chapter yet! I love me some pandemonium and chaos!

    Liked by 1 person

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